Science Flashcards
Science 1: Focus mode Vs. diffuse mode
Focus mode is when you are focus on one thing that you are trying to understand. When studying alone in a room.
Diffuse mode is when your mind is wondering like looking through the windows or taking a walk in the woods.
To learn efficiently you need a mix of both. Only focus mode won’t help you.
Science 2: Sleeping
Sleeping is very important in the learning process. It is during this time of the day that you brain can process information that you have learnt. It is also during this time that the brain cleans up all the toxin. How many times it happens that you are struggling with something and the day after you come with the solution on your way to work.
Science 3: Brain training
Brain is like a muscle you can train it. You can create new neurones. Between the neurones there are connections called synapses. They are strenghten by repetition. If you don’t recall what you have learnt the synapses will die as the memory. Don’t forget physical training when you are learning. It is very good way to reach diffuse mode.
Science 4: feedback
Feedback is very important when learning. There is negative and positive feedback. Negative feedback is good when you already have the basic of something and you want to get better at it. When you are a beginner it is good to have positive feedback to build confidence.
Craftman are the one that are good at taking negative feedback. It is the same with athlet.