Lies Flashcards
Lies 1: Follow your passion
Don’t do that it is not a good idea. If you love something and begin to work with it, it will start to be a chore. The best you can do is to work with something you think is interesting and like a craftman practise and be good at it.
Lies 2: You can avoid taking risk
If you don’t take risk you will never learn anything. It’s important that you feel the butterflies in your stomach. You have to go out of your comfort zone. Take challenges and learn of them is the best way you can come near mastery.
Lies 3: Trust in one person
You think that this one person that is very successful is the example you should follow. It’s better to be open to different person. Every person is unique and what works for one person maybe doesn’t work for you.
Lies 4 : 10000 hours rules
This rules applied to violonist. But it is not true for everything. Another rule that is maybe better is the 10000 experiments. You’ll get probably stronger by going to the gym 20 min everyday than 2 hours everyday. By being more efficient you can reach mastery.