Sciatic nerve Flashcards
Sciatic- Site of impingement
Sciatic nerve is composed of- common fibular (perineal) nerve, and tibial nerve
site of impingment:
– can be compromised anywhere along the corse of the nerve:
—- from the greater sciatic notch to popliteal fossa
– can be compromised by the piriformis muscle (piriformis syndrome)
Sciatic- Common causes of impingement
Nerve root irritation (L4-S4):
– Disc herniation
– osteoarthritis
– lumbar facet dysfunction
L5 is the most common level for sciatic nerve nerve root irritation
Sciatic- Less common causes of impingement
Misplaced intramuscular injections
Pelvic tumours
Back labour
Vertebral/pelvic fractures
Piriformis syndrome
Hip dislocations
Sciatic- Signs and symptoms
Most common for the more superficial common fibular/peroneal part of sciatic nerve to be affected
– pain or loss of sensation along course of nerve from buttocks, posterior thigh, leg and foot (except the medial leg supplied by the saphenous nerve)
– weakness of hip extension and knee flexion
– foot drop with subsequent stoppage gait
Tibial nerve (from popliteal fossa to leg and foot) site of impingement
Less often affect due to nerve being very well protected
If it is affected:
– often due to direct trauma but possible compromise from nerve root irritation
Tibial nerve entrapment signs and symptoms
Pain or loss of sensation to the sole of the foot, weakness in plantar flexion
Common fibular (peroneal) nerve site of impingement and causes
Most often affected at the head or neck of the fibula
Common causes:
– anterior compartment syndrome (when anterior muscle on shin swells up, ‘shin splints)
—- extensor digitorum longus
– fractures
– fibula head dislocation
May also be affected by:
– tight cast, splint or brace of the knee/leg
Common fibular nerve signs and symptoms
Mild pain or loss of sensation to anterolateral leg and dorsum foot
Foot drop with subsequent stoppage gait
Anterior compartment syndrome may compromise the deep branch of the common peroneal nerve resulting in isolated sensation loss to web space between 1st and 2nd toe