SCI - part 1 Flashcards
for the January 2021 exam
Understand and explain each of the ten ‘McKay Principles’.
“There is no single definition of life which helps us in our quest for extraterrestrial Life”
- Life is a material system that is subject to
- reproduction
- mutation
- natural selection
- Above is defective as fossils, biomarkers, dormant cells, and single individual organisms may not demonstrate Darwinian evolution BUT would all be of great interest to Astrobiologists
- Life is a material system that is subject to
In searching for extant (existing) or extinct life, the most useful guide is the list of important ecological requirements:
- support life
- foundation of biochem
- limiting factor
- N (nitrogen, P (phosphorous), S (sulfur)
Life is composed of and generates carbon-based (organic) compounds
- ~181 different molecules/radicals have been discovered in interstellar environments
- But C has a unique ability to make a vast variety of long chains and ring compounds associated with living systems
Organic matter of biological origin may be differentiated from abiotic matter as life “preferentially selects and uses a few specific organic molecules”
- This high level of selectivity is probably a general feature
- icrobes dominate planeture of life,
- Preferential selection of organic compounds typically occurs as a result of:
- Thermodynamic efficiency
- The specificity of enzymatic reactions
- Chirality = natural selection (left vs. rt hand)
Small microbial life is more probable than multicellular forms
- For most of the Earth’s history, life was microscopic
- Today, microbes dominate the planet
- Extremophiles: Thermophiles, halophiles, radioresistant (survive hostile env)
Metabolism and movement are the only two ways to determine if something is alive
- Some minimal level of metabolism is required to keep an organism alive
- Dormant life forms (seeds, spores, etc.) are alive but we can only verify this by reactivating them as vegetative cells, which metabolize or move
- Metabolism and movement are the only two indicators of the living state BUT can also be abiotic, (Fire, virus)
Fossils recognized on the basis of morphological or organic evidence provide strong evidence of past life
- complementary indications of biological origin are necessary to make the case for life, -stromatolites - geochemical
Fossils tell us essentially nothing about the biochemical or genetic nature of the organisms they record
- The search for life must attempt to seek the following charact of any alien organism:
- Biochemical
- Genetic
- Ecological (possibly)
- The search for life must attempt to seek the following charact of any alien organism:
Photosynthetic life can create global-scale effects in a planet’s environment, which can be observed as biomarkers across space
- O3 produced photochemically from photosynthesized O2 is another type of biomarker
Intelligent life can generate signals and artifacts detectable across space
- Advanced technology
The ten ‘McKay Principles’ help search for life in our Solar System as no other global biospheres or intelligent beings are currently known. The search for life is focused on microbial ecosystems.
Explain why Mars, Europa and Enceladus are of special interest to the international Astrobiology research community.
Of the ecological requirements listed earlier (Table 1), liquid water is the most restrictive but…
- There is direct evidence that water flowed on an infant Mars and contemporary subsurface liquid water may exist
- May have a water ocean beneath its surface layer of ice. Internal heating generated by a molten core as well as tidal flexing.
- Possible subsurface reservoirs and some evidence of minor seasonal deposits of liquid water
- Cold geysers of liquid water and ice apparently fueled by sub-surface liquid reservoirs (2006).
- volcanism and tidal heating
Explain and differentiate between the geological terms: mineral,
rock,androck texture.
- Solid material of well-defined composition, formed by natural processes.
- Arranged in a regular pattern
- Minerals are crystalline.
- Naturally-formed, solid assemblage of mineral grains
- Mineral grains may be fragments of crystals or intact crystals
- Contains several mineral types
- Classified according to grain arrangement and size
Rock Texture:
- Shape of the grains in rock
- Size
- Relationship between them define the texture
Explain the main characteristics of the three, main rock types:
sedimentary, igneous and metamorphic.
- Fragmental texture i.e. grains are cemented together with spaces between individual grains (weather, water, wind)
- sandstone
- Formed by solidification of liquid magma
- Interlocking, intergrown, crystalline texture with randomly orientated crystals
- Heated to a few hundred degrees C and/or been subjected to high pressure
- intergrown texture
- crystals aligned or arranged in parallel bands.
Explain how most lunar geological features (mountains, craters, maria, rilles, etc.) formed and contrast this to how most geological features formed on Earth.
Lunar geological features are formed as a result of meteorite bombardment and volcanism.
Mountains: (highlands)
- meteorite bombardment
- light-colored, heavily-cratered, relatively high
- meteorite bombardment
- peaks in craters from volcanism
Maria: (low lands)
- formed when lava erupted onto the surface and filled low areas
- channels where lava has flowed
vs Earth =
- The Earth is much more geologically active and, in addition to volcanism and early meteorite bombardment features, has been sculpted by:
- Plate-tectonic activity
- Strong atmospheric and oceanic effects
Explain why lunar dust has been described as the “No. 1 environmental hazard on the Moon”
Explain what the discovery of abundant anorthosite rocks in the lunar highlands revealed to Geologists
- Anorthosite rocks abundant in lunar highlands
- Anorthosites are plutonic igneous rocks i.e. a rock formed by slow crystallization
- composed almost entirely of one silicate mineral: plagioclase feldspar (alumino silicates with variable Na and Ca)
- Just one mineral in a rock suggests that it formed due to floating or sinking in a magma (molten rock below surface)
- Hence, it is believed that the Moon was surrounded by a huge ocean of magma soon after it formed.
Explain the Magma Ocean Concept
- When Moon formed it was enveloped by a layer of molten rock (magma) hundreds of km thick
- As magma crystallized, the denser minerals sank while the less dense ones (such a feldspar) floated
- Hence, the Moon developed an ancient anorthosite crust
- The dense minerals (olivine and pyroxene) later re-melted to produce the basalts that compose the maria.
Explain why it is unlikely that water ever flowed on the lunar surface
- No evidence has been found
- All Earth rocks contain some evidence of water
- Apollo 15 collected regolith samples from Hadley Rille. A “rille” is a river-like channel where lava flowed during the eruption of mare basalts
- All samples collected showed no mineralogical/geochemical evidence to suggest that water formed these features
- The Moon (apart from possible polar ice) is “as dry as a bone”.
Explain why some 26% of the near side of the Moon’s surface is basalt unlike 2% for the far side.
Distribution of Basalt
- Most basalt in either hemisphere is found in areas of lowest elevation, particularly in the very large impact basins
- Basalt is not evenly distributed on the lunar surface. Nearly 26% of the near side of the Moon is basalt and only 2% of the far side is basalt.
- Question: Why do we observe this striking difference? What does it tell us about the Moon’s early history?
- Answer: There are several theories, which attempt to explain this difference. One theory suggests that the early Moon had an unstable orbit (e.g. one month perhaps 29 days; another month perhaps 30 days, etc.) and, hence, tidal heating was probably more significant than it is today. The near-side of the Moon was therefore slightly warmer than the far-side (perhaps a few degrees). This slight difference in mean temperature was probably responsible for much of the early volcanism, much of which was associated with the release of lava via cracks in the giant impact basins.
Explain the Ejected Ring Theory of lunar formation and why it remains the most credible theory of how the Moon formed
Hartmann and Davis (1975) and Cameron and Ward (1976): “The Ejected Ring Theory”.
- A projectile as large as Mars collides with the “nearly- completed” Earth 4.5-4.6 Billion years ago;
- Metallic core of projectile gets added to Earth’s core (predicted by computer simulation);
- Much of rocky mantles of Earth and projectile vaporized;
- Some of this vaporized debris orbits Earth and, eventually, accretes to form the Moon.
Explain how Geologists can differentiate between lunar rocks and rock from Earth.
- Moon rocks are usually >3 billion years old (unlike terrestrial rocks)
- Lunar rocks don’t have minerals associated with the presence of water e.g. amphiboles, an important group of rock-forming silicates, including hornblende [Ca2(Mg, Fe, Al)5 (Al, Si)8O22(OH)2 ], the commonest
- Lunar rocks are depleted in volatile elements e.g. Na, Z, Pb, Hg, etc.
- Look for enrichment of certain elements e.g. the Moon’s KREEP rocks (potassium, Rare Earth elements, phosphorous)
Define what an Exoplanet (Extrasolar Planet ) is.
An Extrasolar Planet (Exoplanet) is one which
orbits a star – or remnant of a star (???) –
beyond our Solar System
defined as Planets :
- With masses below the limiting mass for thermonuclear fusion of D, i.e. ~13 MJ , (where MJ is mass of Jupiter) for objects of solar metallicity*
- which orbit stars or star remenants
List and explain five different techniques employed by Astronomers to detect astrophysical bodies.
Extrasolar Planets can be detected if they interact with EM radiation or other matter nearby
- reflected radiation (Moon)
- emitted radiation (Sun)
- absorbed or occulted radiation/Transit Method (Occultation Method) (solar eclipse)
refracted radiation (gravitational lens)
- uses the relativistic phenomenon called gravitational lensing (traversing a curved region of space-time)
radial velocity method (bodies gravitating a common center of mass)
- measures the star’s variable velocity along the line of sight
Reflected radiation
- Detecting Exoplanets via reflected radiation is challenging. Why ?
- To do so, a telescope must:
- Collect enough light to detect the planet
- Be able to individually resolve the star and planet
- Both of these requirements dictate:
- Large (telescope) aperture
- Long integration times
- Good seeing conditions
- Ultimately, we need to calculate the brightness of Extrasolar Planets to assess if we can detect them via their reflected radiation
- To do so, a telescope must: