school based slp final 1 Flashcards
1897 John dewey’s comment in “my pedagogic creed” says to ____
to not isolate children–in a teacher’s manual
foundation programs wmerged from the need to address those who
in 1910 speech correciton programs in chicago were
for those who stammer
correctionnist was itinerant
increased due to child labor laws.
in 1925 the american academy of ____ started with 25 members
speech correction (hey read your assignment and powerpoint bc there’s a lot.
what is early intervention
federal program provided by NYS depoartment of health and suffolk counth health services
offers different typoes of services to infants and toddlers with developmental delays
EI serves children from birth to 3 years
what is the Preschool program
federal program provided through NYSED and suffolk county health services
offeres services to children with disabilities affecting their learning and overall education performance.
children 2-5 years of age.
what must be developed for all children leaving the EIP, inccluding going to preschool special educcation or other services, on or close to their third birthfay
a transition plan
transition plans should include
any help, suport, and services that a parent might need to adjust to the change in services and make a smooth transition.
discussions ofg the transition plan shoudl start with the child’s first
if a parent or someone thinks that their child is elligible for preschool special education services the serves coordinator will notify the
committee on preschool sepcial education (CPSE) in their school district.
t/f parents have the opportunity to “opt-out” of the cpse notification.
if a childs birthday is between jan 1st and august 31 they can remain in ei until
september 1 of the year they turn three
if a child’s birthday is between september 1 and december 31 they can remain in ei until
january 2nd of the next year.
if eligibiklity for spse is not determined prior to the childs third birthdya, ei services can
cease the day before their birthday.
what does a developmental delay indicate
that a child has not attained the expected level of development based on the child’s chronological age.
what does an educational delat indicate
that a child is not able to learn at the expected level compared to the same age peers. (CPSE)
EI and prek bnoth require that the child is evaluated by
a new york state approved education provider.
the parent can choose an nys approved evaluation provider from
and approved list of evaluators.
t/f if a child is eligible for services through the preschoo special education program, services are provided at no expense to the parent.
if a child is found ineligible for preschool services and concerns persist the child may
be re-evaluated at a later date. and the family may also check their insurance to see if some services are covered.
200.4 (a) (1) states that a student suspectyed of having a disability shall be
refered to the committee on preschool special education in writing. and the CPSE immediately contacts parent/guardian to notify receipt of refferal.
upon receipt of referral, the cpse shall send the prior written notice (PWN) to do these things:
notify the parent/guardian of the receipt of the referral
identify the evaluations needed to determin eligibility and
request parent/guardian consent to initiate the evaluation process and select an evaluator from the list of approved preschool evaluators in the county and adjoining counties or
inform the parent/ guardian that the district has determined that no evaluations are needed.
a copy of due process rights must be give nto the parent
CPSE Evaluation Process: upon reciept of referral the parent recievs
prior written notice (PWN) and request for parent consent to evaluate.
CPSE Evaluation Process: parent gives writte nconsent for evaluation and
selects approved educator.
CPSE Evaluation Process: the CPSE timeline starts with
reciept of consent (60 days for the CPSE meeting)
CPSE Evaluation Process:” the CPSE notifies approved evaluating agency of
recipt of parent consent
CPSE Evaluation Process: CPSE provides an ____ with authorization rehgarding the specific components of ____.
evaluator; evaliations.;
CPSE Evaluation Process: CPSE notifies the evaluator of the potential date of the CPSE meeting scheduled and the ________/
and the deadline for evaluation reports.
CPSE evaluation components.
physical exam
psychological evaluation
social history
observation of the child in the natural environment (home, childcare site, etc.)
other appropriate assessments (e.g. speech and language, functional behavioral assessment (FBA), etc. and must have been included in the prior written notice to the parent.
who does the approved evaluator send a copy of evaluation summary report to
the parents and the CPSE including the municipal representative
fukll evaluation report must be provided to the parent/guardians prior to ____
the child’s scheduled CPSE meeting.
meeting notices is provided when ever a committee proposes to conduct a
meeting related to the development or review of student’s IEP or provision of FAPE.
parent must recieve the meeting notice in _____ in at least ____ calendar days prior to meeting
written; 5
CPSE eligibility
significant delay when compared to accepted developmental milestones in one or more functional areas:
language and communicatoin
CPSE membership in NYS: includes
parents/guardial/individual in parental role
not <1 gen ed teacher
not <1 special ed teacher/p[rovider
district representative
others with knowledge/expertise
individual to interpret evaluations
additional parent member if requested (72 hours)
representative from municipality-invited
representative from EI- by parent request for transition to CPSE
t/f CPSE membership in NYS: the gen ed teacher is only if they are in gen ed
false it can be if they may or may not be in gen.
CPSE membership in NYS: the distric representative is usually
CPSE/CSE chairperson
CPSE eligibility one classification is a preschool student with a disability who
has evidence of signicicant delay or a disorder indicating
12-month delay in one or more functional areas or
33% delay in one unctional area or 25% delay in two functional areas.
2.0 standard deviations below mean in one functional area, or 1.5 standard deviations below mean in two functional areas.
LRE placement of OF AN INDIVDIDUASL with a disability must
provide special ed needed by the student
provide education to the maximum extent appropriate to the needs of the student with other students who do not have disabilitis.
be as close as possible to the student’s home.
continuum or preschool services
related serviccse: speech, ot pt or more
SEIS special education itinerant services
SEIS and related services
special class in an integrated setting (SCIS) (5 days a week)
special class (5 days a week)
ESY (extended school year) eligibility in the continuum of preschool services
highly intensive needs
must prove regression during a period that the child did not receive services.
the CPSE must determin whether a student requires spepcial education services during the months of ____ in order to preven substantial regression
july and august
typically the esy is for students as follows:
highly intensive management needs.
severe multiple disabilities/services are mainly habilitation adn treatment/in special classes
home/hospital instruction to prevent substatial regression
seven- day residential placement
are all students eligible for esy
not all students
Student information Supplemental aids and services
Evaluation results Program Modifications
Present levels of performance Assistive Technology
Effect statement ESY
Special factors Participation with students
without disabilities
Annual goals Special Transportation
Reporting to parents/guardians
Special education programs and
are akk part of the
preschool IEP checklist.
if a parent/ guardian does not respond or denies consent then services
cannot be provided.
t/f after the annual review the district and parent may agree to change the IEP without holding a meeting.
true. only if the parent requests changes and the district and parent agree in writing, if the district proposes changes written and the parent can discuss and agree in writing. and if an annual review must take p[lace within one year of the date of the original recommendation (meeting)
annual review must occur
whenever necessary, but not less than once a year.
purpose of annual review
review aspects of current iep and determin what goals were met in the current school year
consider new information about educational needs
and if the student continues to need special ed supports, write a nerw iep that describes all aspects of the program for the coming school year.
if a child declassified ity is based on
results of reevaluation, which include a review of existing information
if a child remains classified then the child will be
referred to the CSE to determine continuing eligibility for school-age apecial education services.
t/g preschool services can only be provided in classrooms
false, they can be provided anywhere.
all providers who work in early intervention/preschool must have a
national profider identifier (NPI).