determinants of personality development
Academic learning and accomplishment
Between 6 years to puberty
School age development
> Thinking becomes organized and logical
Think in abstract terms by the end of the period
Improved gross motor coordination and muscle strength:
enable them to write fluently and draw artistically, complex
motor tasks
Changes in thinking and reasoning due to maturational
changes in the brain
Make new identifications with other adults
Peer interaction assumes major importance
Empathy and concern for others begin
Prefer to interact with the same sex
Sex play and curiosity are common
Best friend: important phenomenon (Sullivan)
Absence of chums: harbinger of schizophrenia
School refusal due to separation anxiety; not an isolated
Language and Cognitive Development
similar to gender identity
Sex roles
Parasomnias, such as sleepwalking, sleep talking, enuresis
(bed-wetting), and night terrors, are common
Dreams and Sleep
higher rates of premature or
underweight births, and malnutrition
Born close together
, health risks are
reduced for both mother and child
Born 3 to 5 years after a previous birth
more achievement oriented and motivated to
please their parents
independent and rebellious in regard to family
and cultural norms
over-achiever or under-achiever
Middle child
> Increase in behavioral and emotional disorders appears
May not understand what is happening
Those who understand: assume they are responsible
Some harbor the fantasy that their parents will be reunited
in the future
Children and Divorce
percentage of step families dissolve within the first 2 years
percentage of step families who grows and find balance in their blended family
deviation from norms associated with
problems in children, risk of child abuse, divorce, mental
disorders (depression and ASPD)
Family Stability
influences trajectory of development;
adverse events
more vulnerable to chronic
depression in adulthood
“short” variant of serotonin transporter gene (short 5-
HTTLPR polymorphism)
diagnosed until after the child begins elementary school
Mild mental retardation or specific learning problems
as child begins to interact with
Disruptive behavior disorder
when demands for sustained
attention is made in school
Attention-deficit disorders
rare in preschool and
school-aged children
Schizophrenia and Bipolar disorder
resemble traditional families
discipline, boundaries and limits discussed openly
expect to be traditional families immediately; difficulties are common
run by a highly competent mom; birth of step sibling causes problems