what is the diagnostic criteria for schizophrenia
characterized symptoms + social/occupational dysfuntion + at least 6 months!
What is the difference between hallucinations, illusions and delusions
hallucinations: sensory perception with NO stimuli
illusions: sensory misperceptions of actual stimuli
delusions: fixed false beliefs persisting even with evidence of contrary
what are positive schizophrenia symptoms
exagerations of normal processes:
* hallucinations
* delusions
* disorganized speech
* disorganized behavior
* increased movement
what are negative symptoms in schizophrenia
decreased/absent normal processes:
* deceased movement
* social withdrawal
* anhedonia
* flat affect
* bad hygeine
what is the most common type of hallucination in schizophrenia
what is delusions of persecution
“someone is out to get me”
“someones judging me”
being poisoned, harrased, stalked, conspired against ect.
what are delusions of grandeur
exaggerations of ones own abilities and importance
what are cotard delusions?
the belief that one does not exist or is dead
aka nihilistic delusion
what is erotomania
delusion that someone is in love with te patient
what are delusions of reference
belief that insignificant remarks/objects have personal meaning
personal messages from TV, newspaper, radio, ect.
what are delusions of control
belief that someone or an external force is controlling your thoughts feelings or behaviour.
what are somatic delusions
belief that ones body is diseased/infested
what is tangentiality
consistent off topic speech where answers are never reached
what is circumstantiality
getting to answers in a roudabout way with uneeded detail
what is derailment
shifting rapidly between topics