Schizophrenia researchers Flashcards
whaley: small positive correlation of +0.11 between raters
Copeland: From same description US diagnose 69% as schizophrenic but UK only 2%
Rosahans: hospital staff couldn’t recognise pseudo patients. Follow up study told fake patients coming in but none did but still 21% detection rate
Bentall: review of symptoms and causes research and concluded schizophrenia wasn’t a useful scientific category, many first rank symptoms were found in other disorders
Iverson: post mortems found excess levels of dopamine in schizophrenics
Javitt: Glycine reverses symptoms in rats, its a glutamate receptor suggesting not just dopamine involved
Healy: Pharmaceutical companies keen on dopamine theory, due to potential profits from drug treatments
Torrey: If one MZ twin develops schizophrenia theres a 28% chance the other will
Gottesman: reviewed 5 twin studies, concordance rate between 75 and 91% more MZ twins with severe schizophrenia
Kety: prevalence rate ten times higher among genetic rather than adoptive relatices of adopteed schizophrenics
Parmas: longitudinal study, 16% of children whose mothers have schizophrenia developed the disorder, compared to 9% in first degree relatives of non scizophrenics
Socio-cultural cause
Leff:relapse rate of 51% for people returning to homes with heightened emotions compared to 13% with low EE
Hjern: social adversity in childhood is associated with increased risk
Life events
Brown: patients reported twice as many stressfull life events prior to schizophrenic episode than a control group
Scheff: people behaving bizarlly become awared of schizophrenic lable, then fulfill the role
Allman: reported hospital staff reinforce schizophrenic behaviour by paying more attention to those who displayed characteristics of the disorder
Azrini: found token economiy tretments were successful
Davis: meta-analysis, 70% improvement for drugs, 25% for placebos
Vaugn: only made a difference for those living with hostility in home environment
Liebberman: 74% of patients stopped treatments after 18 months due to side effects
Tharyan: fairly effective short term but not as good as drugs
Tang: effective in those that didn’t respond to drugs
Tarrier: 20 controlled CBT trials, evidence of reduced symptoms and lower relapse
Trower: no reduction on intensity but less of a threat
Normand: only worked for those with advanced verbal skills
Knapp: cost effective, mildly encouraging results