4 A’s of Schizophrenia according to Eugen Bleuler
Associative looseness
Positive or Hard Symptoms of Schizophrenia
Flight of Ideas
Associative Looseness
Ideas of reference
Reflects the presence of overt psychotic or distorted behavior possibly due to an increase in amount of dopamine affecting the cortical areas of the brain
Positive Symptoms
Negative or Soft symptoms
Blunted affect
Alogia - poverty of speech
Lack of volition
Anhedonia - loss of ability to feel pressure
Flat affect
Reflect a diminution or loss of normal functions such as affect, motivation or the ability to enjoy activities
Negative Symptoms
Types of Schizophrenia
A type of schizophrenia that reflects a diminution or loss of normal functions such as affect, motivation or the ability to enjoy activities
Paranoid Type
A type of schizophrenia that is characterized by grossly inappropriate or flat affect, incoherence, loose associations, and extremely disorganized behavior
Disorganized Type
A type of schizophrenia that is characterized by marked psychomotor disturbance, either motionless or excessive motor activity.
Catatonic Type
Characterized by mixed schizophrenic symptoms (of other types) along with disturbances of thought, affect and behavior
Undifferentiated Type
Absence of prominent delusions and hallucinations. Functioning level moderate, but a person can seldom keep a job. There is continuing evidence of disturbances such as presence of negative symptoms.
Residual Type
The client exhibits the symptoms of schizophrenia but for less than the 6 months necessary to meet the diagnostic criteria for schizophrenia
Schizophreniform disorder
The client exhibits the symptoms of psychosis and, at the same time, all the features of mood disorder, either depression or mania.
Schizoaffective disorder
Disorders related to schizophrenia
Schizophreniform disorder
Schizoaffective disorder
Delusional disorder
Brief psychotic disorder
Shared psychotic disorder (folie a deux)
The client has one or more non-bizarre delusions- that is, the focus of delusion
is believable; Psychosocial functioning is not markedly impaired, and behavior is not
obviously odd or bizarre
Delusional disorder
The client experiences the sudden onset of at least one psychotic symptom, such
as delusions, hallucinations, or disorganized speech or behavior, which lasts
form 1 day to 1 month
Brief psychotic disorder
◦ Two people share a similar delusion
◦ The person with this diagnosis develops this delusion in the context with a close
relationship with someone who has psychotic delusions
Shared psychotic disorder (folie a deux
Antipsychotics is also known as?
What antipsychotics act primarily at dopamine
Typical (conventional)
antipsychotics are active
on other receptors as well as dopamine, and
are associated with fewer or no
extrapyramidal side-effects, an effect on
negative symptoms of schizophrenia.
What is the term for the major side effects of antipsychotics?
Extrapyramidal Symptoms
What are extrapyramidal symptoms?
Acute Dystonia - involuntary contractions of muscles of the extremities, face, neck, abdomen, pelvis, or larynx in either sustained or intermittent patterns that lead to abnormal movements or postures
Pseudoparkinsonism - slowed movements, muscle stiffness, and a shuffling walk
Akathisia - inability to remain still