PRESENCE of inappropriate symptom
Positive Symptoms Increased
Limbic Dopamine Activity
ABSENCE of appropriate symptoms
Negative Symptoms
Decreased Frontal Dopamine
Beliefs contrary to reality and firmly held in spite of disconforming evidence
Delusions Positive
A person may believe that thoughts that are not his or her own might have been PLACED in his or her mind by an EXTERNAL source
A person may believe that his or her thoughts are BROADCASTED or
TRANSMITTED, so that other know what he or she is thinking.
An exaggerated sense of his or
her own importance, power, knowledge, or identity
Grandiose Delusions
Incorporating unimportant events within a delusional framework and reading personal significance into the trivial activities of others
Ideas of Reference
Attempts to deal with and relieve
anxiety and stress
Motivational View
Sees these beliefs as resulting
from a BRAIN DYSFUNCTION that creates these disordered cognitions or perceptions
Deficit View
Refers to a lack of MOTIVATION and a seeming absence of 11 interest in an or inability to persist in what are usually routine activities
Hallucinations Positive
Severe impairments in social
Asociality Negative
A loss of INTEREST in or a reported lessening of the experience of PLEASURE
Anhedonia Negative
Refers to a lack of outward
expression of emotion
Affective Flattening Negative
Refers to a significant reduction in the amount of SPEECH
Alogia - Negative
Refers to the problems in organizing ideas and in speaking so that the listener can understand
Disorganized Speech Disorganized Symp.
The person may be more
17 successful in communicating with a listener but has difficulty sticking to one topic
Loose Associations or Derailment Disorganized Symp.
Going off on a TANGENT instead of answering a specific question
Tangetiality Disorganized Symp.
People may go into INEXPLICABLE bouts of agitation, dress in unusual clothes, act in a childlike manner, hoard food, or collect garbage
Disorganized Behavior Disorganized Symp.
Abnormal Psychomotor behavior refers to disturbances in movement behavior
Movement Symptoms Disorganized Symp
Comprises a mixture of symptoms of Schizophrenia and MOOD Disorders
Schizoaffective Disorder 1 to 6 months
Troubled by persistent delusions
of PERSECUTION or by delusional JEALOUSY
Delusional Disorder
Refers to a lack of MOTIVATION and a seeming absence of interest in an or inability to persist in what are usually routine activities
Avolition Negative
Brought by extreme stress, such a bereavement and only lasts from 1 day to 1 month
Brief Psychotic Disorder
Less severe presentation of elusions, hallucinations, or disorganized speech in past month occurring at least ONCE a week
Attenuated Psychosis Syndrome
Also known as AntipsychoticDrugs