Schizopherenia Flashcards
What do gottesman and shields mean by term ‘genetic explnaation of schizophrenia’
- Theres a link between schizophrenia and inherited genetic material
- so the closer a persons genetic link is to somone who has been diagnosed (e.g a sibling) the MORE likely that the person can also be diagnosed w/ schizophrenia
Describe the cognitive explanation of schizophrenia as outlined by Frith
- Cog explanation states that schizo is caused by faulty info processing
- FRITH stated ppl w schiz have faulty metacognitive processes and diffculty reflecting on thoughts, behaviours and emotions
- May link to TOM + how schizos struugle to understand others and issues w attention and generating self initiatiated actions and problem solving, recognising their own inner speach leading to auditory hallucinations
Describe biochemical and electroconvulsive theraphy for schizo
- Chloropromazine + other antipsychotics (atypical) BLOCK dopamine and seratonin receptors in the brain
- Reducing agitation and hostility in patients AFTER 2 weeks reduces positive symptoms
- General anaesthsia + a muscle relaxant is given
- ELectrodes placed on scalp and finely controlled electric current through electrodes for very short time
- Causing brief seizure in brain
- Can be done unilaterally or bilaterally
Treatment of schizo w/ CBT:
- Comparing CBT w/ non specific befriending interventions for ppt w schizo
- randomized controlled design
- patients allocated to 1 of 2 groups: CBT and non specific befriending control group
- 90 patients, 57 from clinics in newcastle, cleveland and durham and 33 from london
- both interventions delivered by 2 experienced nurses who got regular supervision
Patients assesed by blindraters at baseline, after treatment (9 months) and a 9 month post treatment follow up eval - assessed on measures like comprehensive psyhicatric rating scale and scale of assesment of negative symptoms and depression rating scale
- after 9 months no sig diff between 2 groups
- at 9 month follow up, patients who recieved cog theraphy showed greater improvement on all measures
- they had improved while befriending lost some
Explain whats meant by ECT as a treatment for schiz
- A person recieves a brief amount of electricity to the brain to induce a seizure
- Patient is anesthetisated and given a sedative
- ELectric current is passed through the head for no longer than a second via electrodes attached to skull
- Seizure last up to 1 minute
- Can be bilaterl across both brain hemispheres OR unilateral across the non dominant hemisphere
Describe procedure of Freeman
- A library scnece was used initially but subsequently a 5 minute ride of a london underground train between 2 stations has been developed consistent with continium views of paranoia
- it was show approx 1/3rd of general pop have presecutory ideations abt computer characters
- validating the methodology—-> those higher in trait paranoia experience higher levels of persecutory ideation in VR
- 200 NON clinical members of general pop
Describe reliability of Freemans procedure
- Some ppt may show demand characteristics and others may not
- Use of computer generated enviornment increased reliability e.g all ppt were on exact same 4 min journey on same 4 min train ride
- Avatars responded differently to ppt depending on how ppt acted in VR simulation e.g if ppt looked at one of the avatars the avatar would smile at them = so each ppt has diff experience of engaging w/ avatrs which lowers reliability
- Some ppt may respond more to the fact this isnt the natural enviornment due to type of schizo they have whereas other may be unaffected = showing how scenrios can impact ppt in a diff way and LOWER reliability
Explain whats meant by schizo
- Schizo is a mental health disorder involving pos and neg symotoms
- pos symtoms include things like visual, auditory hallucinations and delusions
- neg symptoms include speech poverty and flattening of mood
Describe genetic explanation of schizo by Gottesman and Shields
- Schizo appears to have a genetic cause as shown by G + S in their stuides of adoption, siblings and twins with schizop
- All adoption studies found an INCREASED incidence of schizo in adopted children with a schizo biological parent
- Biological studies of children w/ schizo showed a much higher percent of schizo
- All twin studies found a higher concordance rate for schizo on MZ than DZ twins
- IN G+S the rate was 58% for identical twins and 12% for non identical twins
- Heavy genetic influence on the onset of schizo
Discuss the ethics of using Token Economies as a schizo treatment
- Use of vulnerable patienst may not be capable of giving informed consent
- Inability to withdraw from scheme without loss of priveligies
- PSchological harm as patienst may feel they are being judged aversely for merely suffering with an abnormality over which they have little control
- Briefing patients can be made fully aware of why they are engaging in the program and how itll help them
- No deception is being used
Describe token economy as treatment of schizo
- Based around operant conditioining
- patients w/ schizo are rewarded w/ tokens for instances of desirable behaviors like making beds, taking meds, self care, engaging socially and attending therapy sessions
- tokens can be exchanged for luxury items like ciggs, TV use, sweets or clothing
- In some cases, tokens can be removed for behaviours considered undesirable like angry outbursts
Outline 2 characterstics of schizo
- Pos symtoms= delusions, hallucinations, disorganised speech
- Neg symtoms= flattened efect, avolition, poverty of speech and social withdrawl
Teatment of schizo CBT p2
- both interventions delivered by 2 experienced nurses who received regular supervision
- patienst were assesed by blind raters at baselineaft treatment (lasting 9 months) and AGAIN at a 9 month follow up eval.
- Assesed on measures including “Comprehensive Psychiatric Rating Scale, the scale assesemnt for negative symptoms + depression rating scale
- Patients continued to recieve routine care throughout the study
- Patients recieved a mean of 19 individual treatment sessions over 9 months
- Both interventions resulted in signifcant reductions in positive and negative symptoms and depression
- aft treatment there was NO sig diff between 2 groups
- at 9 month follow up eval, ppt who recieved cog theraphy showed greater improvement on all measures
- They had improved while befriending group lost some benefits