Scheduling Flashcards
Definitions for Network Calculations
Early start = Latest Early finish of all Immediately preceding activities (IPA)
Definitions for Network Calculations
Early Finish = Early Start + Duration
Definitions for Network Calculations
Late Finish = Earliest Late start of succeeding activities
Definitions for Network Calculations
Late start = Late finish - duration
Definitions for Network Calculations
Total Float = The maximum that the ES of an activity can be delayed without changing the overall project duration for a given activity= Late start - Early start
Definitions for Network Calculations
Free float = The maximum that the ES of an activity can be delayed without changing the ES of ANY immediately following activity.
Definitions for Network Calculations
Critical path = the longest interconnected path through the network. the length of which equals the project duration activities
Things that are accounted for in the construction planning phase
- The identification of specific activities of work required and the interrelationships between those items (precedence relationships)
- the proper sequencing of the specific activities of work in order to complete the project in an optimum amount of time
- the time for delivery of materials and installed equipment
- the types, quantities, and duration of use of construction equipment
- the classification and number of workers required and the periods of time they will be required
- the amount and timing of financial assistance required
What is Work Breakdown Structure(WBS)?
the progressive hierarchical breakdown of the project into smaller pieces to the lowest practical level to which costs can be applied
Types of Construction Schedules
Bar Gantt Charts
Network Schedules (Critical Path Method diagrams)
-Activity on arrow diagram
-Activity on node diagram
What is a Critical Path Schedule?
-Relationships between activities are shown (precedence relationships)
-Critical activities determine project duration and indicate critical path
Activity on arrow diagrams (Critical path Method)
-arrows represent activities
-Nodes represent points in time
Activity on node diagrams (Critical Path Method)
-node boxes represent the activities
-arrows indicate relationships between nodes
Activity on Node diagrams
-boxes at nodes represent the activity
-lines show the interrelationship of activities
-uses a “finish-start” relationship between dependent activities
-easier to draw than arrow diagrams
Negative Total Float on Critical Path
-The contract may call for a completion time of 180 workdays
-Forward pass gives total time of 190 workdays
-start backward pass at 180 –all critical activities have TF = -10
-Must save 10 days throughout project
Positive Total Float on Critical Path
-Contract may call for a completion time of 215 workdays
-forward pass give total time of 190 workdays
-start backward pass at 215 – all critical activities have TF = +25: non-critical have TF > 25
Bar (gantt) Charts
-non-network schedule
-easy to create and understand
-shows the logical interrelationship between activities
-can be updated to show project status
-difficult to show/calculate effects of delays/changes
-does not provide as much useful information as a network schedule
Direct Cost
any cost that you can associate with the DISCRETE physical part of a construction project
Indirect Cost
any cost that CANNOT be associated with the physical part of a construction project
Why may a contractor want to finish the project quickly? (Schedule crash)
-To get onto another project as they always submit multiple bids
-Behind schedule, to get back on schedule
-Owner wants it finished faster and may compensate the cost
Outline the procedure for crashing a schedule
- find the initial project duration
- indirect cost
- total direct cost
- total cost
- next longest path
- number of critical paths
- critical activities
- activity with lowest cost slope
- maximum shortening (logical and physical limit)