Scene 8 Flashcards
Cooper: I can’t believe we did it!
Dylan: This is actually it!
Lennox: The secret garden!
Cooper: And it’s all
Together: Ours!
Cooper: And, wow, those old nests, there must be loads of babies here in spring!
Lennox: Even more than in your nature garden, Dyl?
Dylan: Pterodactyls and dodos and… and
Cooper: Griffins!
Lennox: They’re not/ real
Dylan: /Yes! Definitely. DEFINITELY! Look at all these buds and shoots. It’s about to explode into colour. I can’t believe we found it!
Lennox: Look at that tree.
Dylan: I bet elves live in there.
Lennox: Elves? How old are you, Dyl?
Cooper: I bet they do too, go have a look!
Lennox: Come on, you come too.
Cooper: No. Not yet. I just need a minute
Dylan: Have my coat.
Lennox: And mine! We can make you a nest.
Cooper: What are you doing? Go! Scope it out. Tell me, everything!
Lennox: There’s so/ much
Dylan: /Where do we/ start
Lennox: /There! Look at that!
Cooper: I’m gunna need more than that!
Lennox: It’s… twisty, old
Dylan: Like a tree from a faraway kingdom. And it’s got, there’s some ropes attached, to a piece of… wood?
Lennox: It looks like a swing
Cooper: For Mum. I bet it was for my mum.
Lennox: We could mend, that. Couldn’t we, Dyl?
Cooper: Now, what about the elves?
Lennox: Really? Elves?
Cooper: I’m in charge. You’re my eyes.
Lennox: I’m not/ really
Dylan: /I can see a tiny door, and if I just brush this moss out of the way, here, help me Lennox.
Lennox: Do I really…
Dylan: Oh, wow! In this crumbly bit of a wall, there’s an old wasps nest.
Lennox: A nest? But it’s… it’s like paper!
Dylan: Of course it is. The fairies make it, out of spider webs. And the wasps, they are the warriors for the elves.
Lennox: (Feeling silly, trying) They…
Cooper: Yes, go on…
Lennox: They take them on missions, and to… choir practice!
Cooper: Choir practice?!
Lennox: This is stupid. I/ don’t
Dylan: And these shoots popping through, they’re an agility course for rats.
Lennox And bats.
Cooper: And cats!
Lennox: They’d have to be small cats.
Dylan: In hats!
Lennox: You’re ridiculous!
Dylan I know.
All sit down together, next to Cooper
Lennox: It really is incredible, isn’t it?
Cooper: Since mum died, I guess
Lennox: Do you miss her? Sorry, silly question.
Cooper: Yes. Well, not her, I can’t remember her so much even though I try. The thought of her being here though, I miss that loads. And how dad would have been, if she was still here.
Lennox: I don’t really remember my Mum either, she didn’t, she’s not dead just, not around
Cooper: Dad’s sister? My…
Lennox: Auntie
Cooper: I’ve never, I don’t even know her name. Dad said she was, you know, off the rails a bit.
Lennox: Wild. Like me.
Dylan: Wild can be lovely you know? Nature’s wild and that’s the most beautiful, powerful thing there is. Like sea storms and blazing sunshine.
Lennox: I like that. Maybe I’m just blazing.
Dylan: And it’s better than being boring. Which everyone thinks I am.
Cooper: //We don’t!
Lennox: //You’re not!
Dylan: It’s just Mam, sorry, I know I should be, I love her, don’t get me wrong. And I know I’m lucky to, you know…
Cooper: //It’s okay
Lennox: //Don’t worry
Cooper: She likes to tell you what to do.
Dylan: No, that’s not! She just…
Lennox: Yes?
Dylan: … likes to tell me what to do. She treats me like a child, all of the time. Until I met you two, I never thought about having, friends, of my own, it was just always me and Mam. And I’d like to see, sometimes, what I can do by myself, you know?
Cooper: I know
Lennox: Susan. My Mum’s name.
Cooper: Aunty Susan
Lennox: Come to think of it, why does everyone call your Dad Mr Craven? What’s his name?
Dylan: Guess!
Lennox: Mmm… Bob? Steve? No wait, something grand for the lord of the manor, Ernest? Bartholomew? Hypoculus!
Cooper: That’s not a name!
Lennox: It is now! Well?
Dylan: Maybe we could make it nice again
Cooper: For Mum?
Lennox: Yes!
Cooper: I feel a bit… I’ll be fine.
Lennox: You said twenty minutes and we need to listen to you.
Dylan: You need to listen to you! You’re not spoiling anything.
Lennox: The garden’s not going anywhere, we can come back anytime now.
Cooper: To make it beautiful.
Lennox: To make it ours.
Dylan: Our secret. Spit on it!
Lennox: Ugh, what, gross! Can’t we just shake?