Scene 7 Flashcards
Lennox: Right. We haven’t got long. We don’t know when Mouth will be back
Dylan: Or if Beech will move location
Lennox: So, we’ll have to work quick. Cooper, can you remember anything? About how you got to it? Where it was?
Dylan: If only. Why don’t we sing, while we look?
Lennox: You go ahead but count me out.
Dylan: She’s as wild as the wind that howls through the night
‘Cause all of her anger is built up inside
Cooper joins in: And the world seems against her, she scowls doesn’t smile
And you won’t break her spirit, try as you might
Lennox: Where’d you two learn to sing like that anyway?
Dylan: You don’t learn, not really. You just… do it
Cooper: I don’t. Not anymore
Lennox: But you’re so good! Both of you
Cooper: We’ll do it together. That’s how I started, with Mum and Dad. And why I stopped, I guess. Because he did.
Lennox: Okay then.
And the world seems against her, she scowls doesn’t smile
And you won’t break her spirit, try as you might
Cooper: It feels good, doesn’t it?
Dylan: The best!
Lennox: Do you ever feel like that?
Lennox: Do you ever feel like that?
Cooper: What?
Lennox: The words in the song. All of her anger is built up inside. Like sometimes, you can feel it bubbling up and you don’t know how to say, to tell someone, how it feels.
Cooper: And then someone says ‘calm down’
Dylan: Or ‘don’t get upset’
Lennox: Yes! And you want to tell them, that you can’t help it, like there’s just all of this emotion inside but it doesn’t make any sense. Like it’s not you? Maybe I’m just wild…
Cooper: And she hates getting wet, or too cold from outside
She’d rather be spending all her time online
Lennox: She’s as wild as the foxes, prowls around outside
Can’t talk to humans but friends with the mice
Now she’s on our side, we’ve shown her the way
Dylan: Hmm… what about Cooper?
Lennox: She’s as wild as us both, though her Dad doesn’t know
Dylan: Her heads full of books, nothing she doesn’t know
Lennox: She’s as grumpy as me, but a softie inside
Dylan: She’s the biggest risk taker, to come along for the ride
We’re as wild as the wind that howls through the night
But whatever happens, we’re by each other’s side
As long as we have each other, we’ll be alright
And you won’t break our spirit, try as you might
Ooh, ooh, for our spirits are strong
Ooh, ooh and our hearts they are fierce
We’re small but we’re mighty
And by god, we’re fearless
Ooh, ooh, for our spirits are strong
Ooh, ooh and our hearts they are fierce
We’re small but we’re mighty
And by god, we’re fearless
Lennox: Well, fearless or not, we haven’t found it.
Cooper: Maybe it was just a story
Lennox: You don’t believe that do you Cooper? You remember!
Cooper: Well, maybe they were just dreams.
Lennox: I don’t buy that for a second!
Cooper: I’m knackered.
Lennox; I am not going to do this solo. Cooper, do you need to go back? Because if we need to – abort the mission, that’s really fine. We’ll come with you and sit outside your door until you’re rested, however long that takes, then we’re all coming back here together.
Dylan: You really mean that, don’t you?
Lennox: Yes!
Cooper: I’m okay. For a bit.
Lennox: Tell us a story. While we think.
Cooper: It’s okay. You can say died you know. I was 5.
Dylan: So that’s… 7 years ago?
Lennox: Why?
, you can tell by the height they are…
Cooper: You think they could have been/
Lennox: /planted after/ they
Cooper: /To hide/
Lennox: /The garden?
Dylan: Yes!
More chirping from Mr Robin
Dylan: He looks like he’s dancing on the spot
Lennox: What is that? That he’s stood on?
Cooper: Not a white rabbit after all, a robin
Lennox: You what?
Cooper: The robin is our breadcrumbs, our night star, just like the fairy tales
Lennox: Look! Look what I’ve found!
Dylan: Is that?
Lennox: Look!
Cooper: The ivy,
Dylan: Behind the trees,
Lennox: It looks like
Cooper: /A wooden door, that’s right, behind the ivy/
Dylan: /We’ve found it! The secret garden.
Lennox: It was here all along.