Scene 2 Flashcards
Lennox: So. You’re my cousin then?
Dylan: I’ve got your breakfast.
Cooper: I said I didn’t want any!
Lennox: That’s a bit rude!
Dylan: //It’s fine
Cooper: //Who asked you?
Lennox: Wow. Is this some kind of library or what? Just when I thought it couldn’t get anymore boring…
Cooper: Can you just go? I’m in the middle/ of
Lennox: /What? Can’t tear yourself away from the page? What is it, humpty dumpty? Twinkle twinkle?
Cooper: You know that’s a song, right? Not a story? And no, if you must know, it’s a collection of Greek Myths
Lennox: Er, right. (Mimes a yawn)
Cooper: Sorry, I forgot you don’t go to school, do you. You probably can’t even read
Lennox: Are you saying I’m thick?
Cooper: I’m saying that you wouldn’t understand.
Lennox: Because I’ve got better things to do than read?
Cooper: Books are brilliant. Like windows into other worlds. Full of magic and adventure. Do you have any idea how many places I’ve been? How many people I’ve met? By reading?
Lennox: You haven’t actually though. In reality, you’re just in your room, with books for mates/ instead
Dylan: /Lennox, we should get/ back
Lennox: /Fine, go back to Mummy. I’m staying here.
Cooper: You are NOT!
Lennox: That’s not fair. You’ve got a TV. Budge over so I can watch something. I want to ask you two summat anyway, about something Dylan’s/ Mam said
Cooper: Dylan. We’re not helping her.
Lennox: /Help! I don’t need help. What’s wrong with you anyway?
Dylan: You can’t /say
Cooper: /You! That’s what’s wrong. Just get out!
Lennox: Why are you in bed? Dylan said you were sick.
Cooper: Dylan!
Lennox: You don’t look ill
Cooper: [To Dylan] Why did you bring her here?
Dylan: I didn’t, she, Mum said
Lennox: [Imitating] Mum said
Cooper: Don’t speak to her like that!
Lennox: You can’t tell me what/ to do
Cooper: /You’re in my room, in my house. You do as I say
Lennox: Make me
Cooper: I could get you sent home, just like that!
Lennox: I wish you would!
Cooper: No one wants you here. No one wants you anywhere.
Lennox: Because your dad’s around so much, guess he doesn’t want you neither. No wonder you hide in your stupid stories.
Dylan: She can’t help// being
Lennox: //Shut up
Dylan: Mum will wonder where we are
Cooper: Take the plate back. I don’t want it.
Lennox: You do what you like but I’m not going back to listen to that noise. I’ve got my own adventures to get on with and it’s not in a stupid book!