SC Programs Flashcards
T10; S127e - Support of SOF to combat terrorism
SecDef and COM concur, expand $100m (annually) to provide support to foreign forces, IR forces, supporting US SOF operations to combat terrorism
T10, S166a- Combatant Commander Initiative Fund - CJCS may provide funds to a CCMD for the following;
- force training, contingencies, joint exercises, H/CA, military education, personnel expenses for bilateral cooperation.
Funds should increase US capability / readiness or reduce threat/ increase national security, or humanitarian relief
T10 S345- Regional Defense Combatting Terrorism and Irregular Warfare Fellowship - pay any costs associated with CT & IR for foreign military officers, MoD officials, security officials at military or civilian institutions
- transportation, travel, subsistence
- $35 million DoD wide per year
T10 S311- Exchange of defense personnel between US and friendly foreign countries
T10 S347- International engagement for service academies, PN can attend service academy (60 per academy)
T10 S341 - State Partnership Program (SPP) - state national guard and military or SF of a country train together in support of SC objectives
T10 S342- Regional Centers for security
DoD institution relating to security issues of a specified geographic region, bilateral research, communication, exchange of ideas & training for military and civilians
T10 S352- Naval small craft instruction and technical school.
Provide small craft instruction and training to increase professionalism, readiness, and respect to HR.
- maintenance, operations, employment, logistics
- joint exercise, coalition, or international military ops
- improve interoperability with US and other friendly countries
T10 S351- Inter American Defense College
SecDef authority to participate and provide support to the college
- facilities, equipment, logistics
- assist in offering military, defense, inter-American system, SC, HR, HADR, PKO, democracy
T10 S350- Inter European Air Forces Academy
SecAF authorized to provide military education and training to countries that are part of NATO or signatories of the Partnership for Peace framework; or within AFRICOM AoR and eligible for assistance
T10 S349- Inter American Air Forces Academy
Provide military education and training to personnel of central and south American countries, Carribean countries, and other countries eligible under Chapter 5, PT II, FAA
T10 S348- Aviation Leadership Program
SecAF provides undergraduate pilot training to AF of friendly developing countries
- transportation, supplies, uniforms, billets, food, health services, living allowances (optional)
T10 S343- Western Hemisphere Institute for SC
- provides professional education and training on democratic principles, HR, knowledge and customs of US; rule of law, civilian control
- must be western hemisphere country
- also train on leadership, counter drug, peace support, disaster relief
T10 S2557- Excess non-lethal supplies for Humanitarian Relief
Excess is not a weapon, ammo, or other equipment that is designed to inflict serious bodily harm
T10 S2561- Humanitarian Assistance
SecDef may transport supplies intended for use to respond to, or mitigate effects of, an event or condition, like an oil spill, that threatens the environment only if other sources not available
T50 S3711- Authority DoD cooperative threat reduction
Facilitate elimination, safe and secure transport, non-proliferation of weapons, technology, or expertise
- carry out mil-to-mil contacts to advance program
- provide equipment, goods, services
3712 and 3713 funds for cooperative threat reduction
T10 S284- Support for counter-drug activities and TCOs.
May provide support for foreign LE including transportation of personnel, equipment, supplies, linguist, intelligence, ariel and ground reconnaissance.
- small scale construction of operating bases
- detection, monitoring, communication, air, sea, surface traffic outside of us
T14 S1923- coast guard academy
President may designate no more than 36 FN’s to attend USCG at any one time
T10 S404- Foreign Disaster Assistance
- DoD provided disaster assistance (manmade / natural) to prevent loss of lives or serious harm to environment.
President notifies congress NLT 48 hours with 5ws
Transportation, supplies, services, equipment
OHDACA- overseas humanitarian disaster and civic aid
T10 S333- Authority to Build Capacity
Authority to provide training and equipment to foreign SF: CT, counter WMD, counter illicit drugs, counter TCO, maritime border security, military intelligence ops, air domain awareness, cyberspace, operation contributes to existing international operations in the US interest.
Includes sustainment, training, supplies, small scale construction
HR, the law of armed conflict, civil control, ICB
T10 S332- Defense Institution Capacity Building
Ministry of Defense Advisor assigns a DoD civilian or military advisor to MoDor Security Agency of Foreign Countries
Institutional level, stabilization/ post conflict, assist MoD build core capacity, competencies, capabilities
Train MoD personnel civilian oversight, controls, assess organization
Legal ICB, law of war, military justice, legal capacity