General Knowledge Flashcards
Security Cooperation
All DoD interactions with foreign security establishments to build security relationships that promote specific US interests, develop allied and partner nation military and security capability for self defense and multinational operations, and provide US forces with peacetime and contingency access to allied and partner nations
Joint Strategic Campaign Plan - 5-year global strategic plan, reviewed every two years, that operationalizes the NMS. It is the chairmans primary document to guide and direct the preparation, integration of joint campaign and contingency plans.
Directs 3 types of plans: GCP, FCP, CCP
CJCSI 3100.01E
National Military Strategy - T10 S.153 requires the chairman to review every even numbered year.
Central strategy document for the chairman, it translates policy guidance into joint force action, by providing an implementing framework of force employment, force design, and force development.
Guidance for Development of Allies and Partners - SecDef produces every 2 years.
Sets forth the foundational priorities and direction for achieving a coordinated strategic approach to align and focus the DoDs planning, resourcing, activities, and assessments regarding alliances and partnerships.
Combatant Command Campaign Plan - are the primary plans throigh which CCMDs execute day to day campaigning. CCPs address theater objectives as well as objectives directed by GCPs and FCPs.
Functional Campaign Plan - assigned to CCMDs for development. FCPs are plans written for global challenges that deal primarily with one function, service, activity or requirement.
Global Campaign Plan - Address the most pressing trans-regional and multifunctional strategic challenges across all domains. Global in scope, focus integrating activities against specific problems.
Presidents basic guidance to CCDRs, establishes broad missions and responsibilites, delineates phyiscal boundaries, and specifies CCDRs responsibilities
Joint Planning Process - an orderly, analytical process that consists of a logical set of steps to analyze a mission, select the best course of action, ans produce a campaign or order.
JP 5-0 & DoD Dictionary
Security Cooperation Organziation - DoD element that is part of the US diplomatic mission located in foreign country to carry out SA/SC management functions under supervision and coordinating authority SDO/DATT.
JP 3-20 & Section 515 of FAA (1961)
An activity life cycle management systen that plans, executes, monitors, and evaluates SC activities. This replaces G-TSCMIS.
Country Specific Security Cooperation Section - a section of the CCP in which the GCC articulates his/her intent to apply time, $, and effort through SC programs to further defense objectives or set the theater for contingencies.
DoDI 5132.03
DoDI 5132.14
Assessment, Montioring, and Evaluation Policy for Security Cooperation
Refers to PN ability to execute a given task.
JP 3-20
Internal Defense and Development - full range of meausres taken by a PN to promote its growth and protect itself from threats to its security.
JP 3-20
NSS requires operational access across the globe. Operational access promotes flexibility in defense posture, freedom of movement, supports freedom of action during operations.
Also includes information, intelligence, technology.
Foreign Assistance Act
Origjnally passed in 1961, before that was the Mutual Security Act (1954).
Authorizing legislation for:
IMET - Intl. Military Education & Training
ESF - Economic Support Fund
PKO - Peace Keeping Operations
INCLE - Intl. Narcotics and Law Enforcmt.
NADR - Non-proliferation, Anti-Terrorism, Demining, and related
Arms Control Export Act
Originally the Foreign Military Sales Act 1968, in 1976 name changed to ACEA.
Statuatory basis for;
FMS - Foreign Military Sales
DCS - Direct Commercial Dales
FMFP - Foreign Military Financing ProgrM
Security Assistance
Group of programs authorized by the FAA (1961) and the ACEA (1976) and other statutes bu which the US provides defense articles, military training, and other related services by grant, lease, loan, credit or cash sales in furtherance of national priorities and objectives.
Those SA activities authorized by DoS, but administered by thr DoD (DSCA) are considered SA.
Center of Gravity - The source of power that provides moral or physical strength, freedom of action, or will to act.
JP 5-0 & DoD Dictionary
The ability of a PN to self-sustain and self-replicate a given capability.
JP 3-20
Security Force Assistance - DoD acitivities thag support yhr development of the capabilities and capacity of foreign security forces.
JP 3-20
Joint Regional Strategy - Developed by each DoS Regional Bureau with USAID.
- SWOT analysis to analyze OE
- OBJ developed with SMART criteria
What are the generic functions of security forces?
Executing, Generating, Operating
JP 3-20
Joint Capability Areas - collection of DoD like capabilities functionally grouped to support capability analysis and operational planning.
Tier 1 JCAs = Force Integration, Battle Space Awareness, Force Application, Logistics, C2, Communication and Computers, Protection, Corporate Management and Support
Country Development Cooperation Strategy- developed by USAID if they have development activities in a country.
USAID Policy Framework
Provides USAID staff and partners worldwide with a clear sense of USAID core development priorities
Defense Planning Guidance- issued by secDef provides guidance in the form of goals priorities, and objectives including fiscal constraints for development of program objective memorandums by thr MIlDEPs and Defense Agencies
3 presidential documents provide direction to DoD
CJCSI 3100.01.E
Campaign Planning Guidance- fulfills statuatory duty of the secDef to provide written guidance annually to the CJCSnfor contingency planning. The CPG focuses the guidance in the NSS and DPG, principal source for the JSCP
Defense Institution Building- SC conducted to establish or reform capability and capacity of PN defense institution at the ministerial, department, military staff, and service HQ level.
JP 3-20
CJCSI 3100.01E
Joint Strategy Planning System-the primary method by which the CJCS fulfills T10 responsibilities, maintains global perspective, leverages strategic opportunities, translates strategy into outcomes, and provides military advice to the SecDef and president.
4 documents provide direction from SecDef to DoD and Joint Force
NDS, DPG, GDAP, Force Management Guidance
CJCSI 3100.01E