SB3cii-SB3k Flashcards
How to do DNA extraction?
(Check notebook notes).
What is a polypeptide chain?
Many amino acids joined together that make up a protein.
What is protein synthesis?
The creation of proteins using instructions from the DNA.
Which processes are involved in protein synthesis and where do they occur?
- Transcription (occurs in the nucleus)
- Translation (occurs on the ribosomes in the cytoplasm)
What is mRNA?
Messenger RNA is a single-stranded molecule that contains 4 different bases (A, C, G, U).
(Check book p.58 for diagram)
What happens during transcription? (6 steps)
- DNA unwinds.
- Hydrogen bonds between the bases break and DNA unzips.
- RNA polymerase will create the mRNA by adding free RNA bases (nucleotides) on the template strand of DNA using the complementary base-pair rule (C-G, A-U, etc).
- Once the entire instruction is copied by RNA polymerase and the mRNA is created, mRNA detaches from the DNA.
- mRNA leaves the nucleus and goes to the cytoplasm.
- DNA zips up again and rewinds.
What is tRNA?
Transfer RNA is a single-stranded molecule which is folded up and contains 4 different bases (A, C, G, U).
(Check notebook and book p.59 for diagram)
What is the job of tRNA?
To carry the correct amino acid to the ribosome for the making of the protein.
What happens during translation? (9 steps)
- mRNA binds on the ribosome in the cytoplasm.
- The ribosome reads the mRNA 3 bases (or one codon) at a time.
- The correct tRNA arrives carrying the correct amino acid with it.
- The anticodon of the tRNA will bind with the codon of mRNA using the complementary base-pair rule.
- The tRNA waits until another tRNA arrives.
- The amino acids are joined together by peptide bond starting the polypeptide chain.
- The previous tRNA then leaves.
- The ribosome will keep reading the mRNA until the end where it will find a STOP codon.
- Once translation is finished, the polypeptide chain will fold in the correct shape of the protein.
What is mutation?
A change in the sequence of bases in the DNA.
What are the 3 types of mutation?
- Substitution
- Deletion
- Addition
Why are deletion and addition more dangerous than substitution?
Substitution is the least dangerous mutation since it might not even have an effect on the phenotype because the new base could create a different triplet that codes for the same amino acid which would then there would be no problem in the folding of the polypeptide.
Deletion and addition can be very dangerous since they will result in a different protein that will carry different instructions.
What are mutagens?
Any chemical or radiation that can cause mutations (e.g. gamma rays, X-rays, UV rays).
What happens during deletion?
A base is deleted then the bases will shift to cover the gap. This causes a different base sequence so different triplets which causes a different amino acid sequence leading to a different polypeptide chain. This will create a different protein with the wrong shape that could be non-functional or give different instructions.
What happens during addition?
One or more bases are added during DNA replication so the bases need to shift to make room for the new base. This causes a different base sequence so different triplets which causes a different amino acid sequence leading to a different polypeptide chain. This will create a different protein with the wrong shape that could be non-functional or give different instructions.
What happens during substitution?
When one or more bases are substituted for a different one, which affects only the triplet and all the rest remain the same. This will cause a slight change in the shape of the protein and might not work properly creating some problems. However, if the new base creates a different triplet that codes for the same amino acid, then there is no problem in the folding of the polypeptide so the protein will be functional and remains the same (silent mutation).
What happens if mutation creates a STOP codon?
The protein remains incomplete and non-functional.