SB1b: Plant And Animal Cells Keywords Flashcards
Aerobic respiration
A type of respiration in which oxygen is used to release energy from substances, such as glucose.
Cell (surface) membrane
The membrane that controls what goes into and out of a cell. It is often called the cell surface membrane because eukaryotic cells contain other structures with membranes.
Cell sap
Liquid found in the permanent vacuole in a plant cell.
Cell wall
A tough layer of material around some cells, which is used for protection and support. It is stiff and made of cellulose in plant cells. Bacteria have a flexible cell wall.
The green substance found inside chloroplasts. It traps energy transferred by light.
A green disc containing chlorophyll, found in plant cells. Where the plant makes glucose, using photosynthesis.
A structure found in the nuclei of cells. Each chromosome contains one enormously long DNA molecule.
The watery jelly inside a cell where the cell’s activities take place.
A substance that contains genetic information. Short for deoxyribonucleic acid.
A cell with a nucleus is eukaryotic. Organisms that have cells like this are also said to be eukaryotic.
Field of view
The circle of light you see looking down a microscope.
A sub-cellular structure (organelle) in the cytoplasm of eukaryotic cells, where aerobic respiration occurs. Plural is mitochondria.
The ‘control centre’ of a eukaryotic cell.
Tiny sub-cellular structure that makes proteins.
Scale bar
A line drawn on a magnified image that shows a certain distance at that magnification.
Scientific paper
An article written by scientists and published in a science magazine called a journal. It is like an investigation report but usually shows the results and conclusions drawn from many experiments.
A storage space in cells. Plant cells have a large, permanent vacuole that helps to keep them rigid.