SB Q3 C11 Flashcards
What are the 4 cultural variations of psychological disorders ?
a. schizophrenia
b. depression
c. somatization
d. culture-bound syndrome
What is schizophrenia ?
• a group of psychotic disorders featured by :
1. gross distortions of reality,
2. withdrawal from social interaction, and
3. disorganisation of thought, perception, and emotion (Carlson , Butcher, & Coleman, 1988).
what is the cause of schizophrenia
The etiology (cause) of schizo is due to biological (excess of dopamine or biochemical imbalances) and environmental factors (e.g. hostility in family).
• Diathesis-stress model → those who are biologically predisposed to schizo,
and living in hostile environment, have more chances to become one
The WHO research (1973, 1979, 1981) was conducted in comparing the
prevalence and course of schizophrenia in several continents, what did they find and conclude ?
- found that research assessment in diagnosing schizophrenia was reliable.
- also, similar (universal) symptoms found for schizophrenia, i.e. lack of insight,
auditory and verbal hallucinations, and ideas of reference ( that becoming the centre
of attention).
• People of developing countries (i.e. Colombia, India and Nigeria) recovered
at faster rates than those of highly industrialised countries (e.g. USA, UK)
What were their cultural differences ?
These differences were attributed to cultural factors, such as the presence
of kin networks (a lot of relatives to turn to for support) and the tendency
to hurry back to work (no work, no money, no food on the table)
What are the 3 research evidence found for schizophrenia ?
Research evidence:
1. Murphy (1982) – Irish admitted for schizophrenia 4 times higher than the English and Welsh
2. Sue & Morishima (1982) – Schizoic Japanese were more withdrawn and passive than their European counterparts
→ reflecting the Japanese culture.
3. Expressed emotion as a mechanism in identifying relapse cases in schizophrenia patients may raise a question as whether or not it is appropriate to be used amongst cultures that do not encourage verbal
communication (Kleinman, 1988).
What is the definition of depression ?
• DEPRESSION = characterised by physical changes, emotional and behavioral changes.
• “intense sadness, feelings of futility and worthlessness, and withdrawal from others” (Sue, Sue & Sue, 1990).
What is the study and rates of depression in certain region ?
• According to research conducted in various parts of Nigeria, about 20% – 59% of people living with HIV/AIDS are depressed, with the highest prevalence reported in North – Central Nigeria.
• A study conducted in Western Nigeria in 2013 also reported that as high as 44.5% of clinical patients are depressed.
• Others (e.g. Chinese) are more likely to report somatic complaints.
• Rates of depression also vary from culture to culture
What is somatization ?
• the manifestation of psychological distress by the presentation of physical symptoms.
• People with somatization disorder do not face their illnesses.
• They honestly feel pain or believe they cannot move their limbs.
• Japanese, and Chinese > somaticize more
than Europeans/ Americans
What is the definition of culture-bound syndrome ?
CULTURE-BOUND SYNDROME – forms of abnormal behaviour observed only in certain sociocultural milieus.
What are the types of culture-bound syndrome ?
- Amok
• sudden rage and homicidal aggression; probably due to stress, less sleep, & alcohol consumption. - Witiko – (windigo)
• amongst Alongquin Indians in Canada
• man-eating monster→ suicide to avoid cannibalistic urges. - Zar
• an altered state of consciousness amongst Ethiopian immigrants to Israel. Believe to be possessed by Zarspirit, expressed by involuntary movement, mutism, and incomprehensible language. - Sinking heart
• condition of distress in the Punjabi culture, affecting heart or chest; probably due to excessive heat, exhaustion, worry, or social failure
What are the other types of culture-bound syndrome ?
▪ whakama (in New Zealand)
▪ Avanga – In Tonga
▪ Latah – amongst Malay in
South East Asia, esp. in
▪ Koro – retracting of penis, in
Southeast Asian man