SB Q1 C8 Flashcards
What’s the definition of immigration ?
• Definition: the action of coming to live permanently in a foreign country.
• A worldwide phenomenon, even in societies that do not seek it.
• More than half of the people who currently immigrate to Canada originate from Asia.
What is migrant adaptation ?
• The process through which individuals seek to satisfy their needs, pursue their goals and manage demands encountered after relocating to a new society.
What are the 3 elements of adaptation ?
Explain the 3 elements of adaptation : psychological, sociocultural and economic.
- Psychological:
• psychological or emotional well-being; feelings of well-being or satisfaction. - Sociocultural:
• demands of interacting effectively in a new cultural environment ;
• acquisition of culturally appropriate skills needed to negotiate or “fit into” a
specific cultural milieu; ability to ‘fit in’ or adjust to new social settings - Economic
• migrant’s ability to access the labour market of the host environment and
regain pre-migration levels of occupational status.
What are the positive outcomes of migrant adaptation ?
• Satisfaction of needs
• Pursuit of goals
• Effective management of demands
What are the negative outcomes of migrant adaptation ?
• Unmet needs
• Loss or blocking of goals
• Unmanageable levels of demands
What is a multicultural society ?
• a society where people of different races, cultures and traditions live side by side with a mutual respect.
What is the benefits of multiculturalism ?
Multiculturalism is beneficial to a society, because it consists of people from different ethnic backgrounds, cultures and religions living and working together– we talk about a cultural diversity.
What are the advantages of multiculturalism ?
- When people learn about different ways of life:
• It helps to break down barriers between ethnic groups which are caused by ignorance.
• Human beings have a tendency to be suspicious of cultures they do not understand.
• Living with different cultures brings a better understanding of other cultures, enrich our lives and helps to encourage tolerance.
What are the disadvantages of multiculturalism ?
- One of the negatives is that cultural differences can divide a society. This can lead to prejudice and discrimination towards minorities
- There will always be people who think that their religion and culture is superior and right and that other beliefs and cultures are inferior and wrong (racists)
- These people try to blame ethnic minorities for social and economic problems. Because of different opinions there sometimes occur lots of riots.
- Racism is sometimes a problem of multicultural society
What is multicultural education ?
• Multicultural education aims to prepare children for living in a multicultural
What are the 3 aims of multicultural education ?
- to create equal educational opportunities for students from different racial, ethnic and cultural groups
- to help all students to acquire the knowledge, attitudes, and skills needed to function effectively in a pluralistic democratic society
- to interact and communicate with peoples from diverse groups.