Saunders Unit II Issues in Nursing Flashcards
Moral concept that involves acceptance by a professional nurse of the consequences of a decision or action.
Process of learning norms, beliefs, and behavioural expectations of a group other than one’s own group.
Advance directives
Written document recognized by state law that provides directions concerning the provision of care when a client is unable to make his/her own treatment choices.
The two basic types of advance directives include…
an instructional living will and durable power of attorney for health care.
Acting on behalf of the client and protecting the client’s right to make his/her own decisions.
Client’s Bill of Rights
The rights and responsibilities of clients receiving care.
Confidentiality/information security
in the health care system, refers to the protection of privacy of the client’s personal health information.
voluntary act whereby a person agrees to allow someone else to do something.
Cultural Assimilation
Process in which individuals from a minority group are absorbed by the dominant culture and take on the characteristics of the dominant culture.
Cultural competence
Acquisition of knowledge, understanding, and appreciation of a culture that facilitates provision of culturally appropriate health care.
Cultural diversity
Differences among groups of people that result from ethnic, racial and cultural variables.
Cultural imposition
Tendency to impose one’s beliefs, values, and patterns of behaviour on individuals from another culture.
The knowledge, beliefs, patterns of behaviour, ideas, attitudes, values, and norms that are unique to a particular group of people.
Process of transferring a selected nursing task in a situation to an individual who is competent to perform that specific task.
Any human-made or natural event that causes destruction and devastation that cannot be alleviated without assistance; internal disasters are events that occur within a health care agency, whereas external disasters are events that occur outside the health care agency.
Dominant culture
Group whose values prevail within a society.
Emergency response plan
A health care agency’s preparedness and response plan in the event of a disaster.
The ideals of right and wrong; guiding principles that individuals may use to make decisions.
Ethnic group
People within a culture who share characteristics based on race, religion, color, national origin, or language.
An individual’s identification of self as part of an ethnic group.
Evidence-based practice
Approach to client care in which the nurse integrates the client’s preferences, clinical expertise, and the best research evidence to deliver quality care.
Informed consent
A client’s understanding of the reason for proposed intervention, with its benefits and risks, and agreement with the treatment by signing a consent form.
Interprofessional collaboration
promotes sharing of expertise from health care professionals to create a plan of care that will restore and maintain a client’s health.
Interpersonal process that involves influencing others (followers) to achieve goals.
Type of negligence; failure to meet the standards of acceptable care, which results in harm to another person.
Accomplishment of tasks or goals by oneself or by directing others.
Minority group
Ethnic, cultural, racial, or religious group that constitutes less than a numerical majority of the population.
Conduct that falls below a standard of care; failure to meet a client’s needs either willfully or by omission or failure to act.
Deciding which needs or problems require immediate action and which ones could tolerate a delay in action until a later time because they are not urgent.
A grouping of people based on biological similarities; members of a racial group may have similar physical characteristics, such as blood group, facial feature, and color of skin, hair, and eyes.
Discrimination directed toward individuals or groups who are perceived to be inferior..
Expectation that all people within the same racial, ethnic, or cultural group act alike and share the same beliefs and attitudes.
Classifying procedure that ranks clients according to their need for medical care.