Sätze - JapanesePod101 Flashcards
Can you replace sea urchin with another item?
ウニを ほかのものと取り替えられますか。
Uni o hoka no mono to torikaeraremasu ka.
675,000 yen!! I envy you. Our average was 65,000 yen. It will decrease this year, too, so I’m really sad.
Rokujū nana man gosen-en!! Ii nā. Uchi wa heikin roku man gosen-en datta. Kotoshi mo heru kara, chō kanashii.
Well, with that content, keeping it under four million yen was impossible from the beginning.
Ma, ano naiyō de yon-hyaku-man-en ika ni shiyō to iu no wa dodai muri na hanashi yo ne.
Pizza delivery, please.
Piza no haitatsu o o-negai shimasu.
The lights are even off, and it seems like he’s not here.
Denki mo tsuite nai shi, kare wa inasasō da.
Thank you for making time for me.
Jikan o saite itadaite arigatō gozaimasu.
Actually, ever since my girlfriend dumped me, I’ve been in such shock that I haven’t been able to eat. Even when I force myself to eat, I just vomit.
Jitsu wa kanojo ni furarete kara, seishinteki na shokku de hotondo nani mo taberarenaku natte shimatte. Muri ni tabete mo haite shimau n desu.
Yes, when all the kinds of expenses are added, it’s a little over our budget. So we will reconsider the details and resubmit them.
Hai.Moromoro no shokeihi o fukumemasu to, jakkan no yosan ōbā gimi desu node, mō ichido shōsai no hō o saikō itashimashite, saitēshutsu sasete itadakitai no desuga.
I was excited to grow a lot of flowers on the cactus, but the flowers withered after two days.
Watashi wa shaboten ni hana o ippai sakaseyō to harikitte ita noni…. nanto sodatete hutsukame de, shaboten no hana ga karechattaaaa.
Furthermore, “The Art of War” also explains ideas that can also be applied to modern society; so, even in Japan today, there are apparently many managers who read it as a business book.
Mata "Sonshi" no nakani wa gendai shakai ni mo tsūjiru shisō o toite iru no de, kon'nichi no Nihon de mo bijinesusho to shite yonde iru keieisha mo ōi toka.
Ah, hello. I’m planing on staying for two days and one night on Jun 20th with four people in one room. Do you still have any rooms available?
A, moshimoshi, roku gatsu hatsuka kara ippaku futsuka, yon mei isshitsu de shukuhaku o kangaete iru no desu ga, mada aite imasu ka.
I’d like to talk to a lot of people, so feel free to comment anything you like.
Takusan no kata to o-hanashi shitai node nan demo ii node kiraku ni komento shite kudasai ne.
Bei Bestellung:
Is that all?
Go-chūmon wa ijō de yoroshii deshō ka.
The Dean called me in on a matter about my thesis.
ronbun no ken de gakuchō ga watashi o yonda.
Dean = 学長
Snow had accumulated on the head and shoulders of the Jizousama.
Ojizōsama no atama ni mo kata ni mo, yuki ga tsumotte imasu.
…there is a possibility you could lose your license.
…menkyo o ushinau kanōsei ga arimasu yo.
You made it.
( zur Verabredung gekommen )
Good for Mel. He’s completely fit in. I’m jealous!
Iina, Meru kun, sukkari najinde te. Urayamashii naa.
馴染む najimu: to fit in, to become accustomed to
I am afraid customers are not allowed to bring pets.
Mōshiwake nai no desu ga, petto wa issai o-kotowari shite orimasu.
I don’t want to waste my time on something like this.
Konna koto de jikan o muda ni shitakunai.
I’m sorry. I was rude. Apologies, I’m sorry.
Sumimasen. Yappari watashi no taido ga warukatta. Gomennasai.
The two of you go together well.
O-futari, ki ga aimasu ne.
Don’t give up that easily!
Sonna ni kantan ni akiramenai de.
諦める - akirameru - give up