to have a bad effect on something, especially by causing a lot of problems
blight something (v)
extremely hungry
ravenous (adj)
showing your wealth or status in a way that is intended to impress people
ostentatious (adj)
extremely or completely happy
blissful (adj)
the fact of being rude or not having good taste; a rude object, picture, etc.
vulgarity (n)
the fact of using or containing more words than are needed
verbosity (n), verbose (adj)
too brightly coloured in a way that lacks taste (2 words)
gaudy (adj), garish (adj)
any of 24 major or minor diatonic scales that provide the tonal framework for a piece of music
tonality (n)
devoid of feeling and consciousness and animation
insentient (n)
having or showing power or authority, overbearing or offensively self-assured
magisterial (adj) Kinh doanh
the fact of arriving, happening or being done late
tardiness (n), tardy in (adj)
happening or doing something at the arranged or correct time; not late
punctual (adj)
aggressive and unfriendly (2 words)
belligerent (adj), hostile (adj)
to say or do something that you know will annoy somebody so that they react in an angry way, to call forth a feeling or action
provoke (v)
to make a hole or holes through something
perforate (v)
to have or express very sad feelings about somebody/something (3 words)
lament, bemoan, bewail (v)
to remove or get rid of something, such as a name, piece of information or a memory, from a book or list, or from your mind
expunge (v)
to cause somebody to be interested or excited, especially in a sexual way
titillate (v)
to repeat something that you have already said, especially to emphasize it
reiterate (v)
to twinkle or glow, as in a flickering light.
scintillate (v)
filled with wonder and delight
enthralled (adj)
marked on the surface with long thin lines
striated (adj)
to behave or feel towards somebody in the same way as they behave or feel towards you
reciprocate (v)
to force somebody to do something by using threats
coerce (v)
to publicly and officially tell people about something important
proclaim (v)
to help or encourage somebody to do something wrong
abet (v)
to approve of something, or to punish, or speak harshly to.
sanction (v) (n)
to ask somebody for something, such as support, money or information; to try to get something or persuade somebody to do something
solicit (v)
refusing to change your opinions, way of behaving, etc. when other people try to persuade you to; showing this
obstinate (adj)
doing everything that you are expected to do; willing to obey and to show respect
dutiful (adj)
producing many works, etc. abundantly creative
prolific (adj)
lacking imagination and so not original
generic (adj)
very serious or severe
acute (adj)
deserving praise and approval
commendable (adj)
making you angry because it is unfair, irritating, annoying
galling (adj), exasperating (adj), infuriating (adj)
to fail or refuse to perform a duty
abdicate (v)
the power to choose something freely or to make your own decisions
volition (n)
means having a foul-smelling odor (2 words)
malodorous (adj), fetid (adj)
lacking respect or seriousness, not reverent
irreverent (adj)
wicked, vicious or evil
nefarious (adj)
excessively and weakly sentimental or tearfully emotional
maudlin (adj)
participating in or associated with a questionable act or a crime
complicit (adj)
an overthrow, as from the foundation
subversion (n)
ill will or malice toward others; hate
malevolence (n)
in the lending of money at exorbitant interest rates
usury (n)
continually changing or quickly shifting
kaleidoscopic (adj)
dedicated by a vow
votive (adj)
not discriminating or choosing randomly; haphazard; without distinction
indiscriminate (adj)
characterized by making jests; joking; playful
jesting (adj)
a tendency or inclination to something
prone (adj)
belonging to the period before a war, especially the Amercan Civil War
antebellum (adj)
gradually or stealthily take the rights or possessions of another; to advance beyond proper or formal limits; trespass
encroach (v)
well versed in any business or branch of learning; adept
proficient (adj)
to examine thoroughly; tentasively survey
probe (v)
showing hearty good cheer; marked with the spirit of jolly merriment
jovial (adj)
incapable of being damaged or wounded; unassailable or invincible
invulnerable (adj)
being wise or prudent; showing good judgment; sensible
judicious (adj)
conspicuously and outrageously bad, offensive, or reprehensible
flagrant (adj)
disposed to cause distress or inflict suffering intentionally; inclining to produce death; an injurious infiltration
malignant (adj)
questionable authecity or doubtful authority; fictious, false
apocryphal (adj)
to put off from day to day
procrastinate (v)
that is suggested indirectly or understood, rather than said in words
tacit (adj)
the highest or farthest point, culmination; the point in its orbit where a satellite is at the greatest distance from the body it is orbiting.
apogee (n)
rejoicing, expressing joyfulness; exulting
jubilant (adj)
attempting to win favor or attention by excessive flattery, ingratiating displays of affection; or servile compliance; obsequious
fawning (adj)
a parody; a grotesque imitation with the intent to ridicule
travesty (n)
blotched or spotted with different colors or shades
mottled (adj)
to develop quickly and become successful or common or to grow well; to be healthy and happy
flourish (v)
to confuse, perplex, bewilder
flummox (v)
the main character in a drama
protagonist (n)
to inflict, as a revenge or punishment
wreak (v)
self-assurance, composure, poise, especially under strain
aplomb (n)
a command or authoritative instruction
mandate (n)
possesing the power of sense or sense-perception; conscious
sentient (adj)
to speak loudly or violently
rant (v)
to habitually lack in giving proper care or attention; having careless manner
negligent (adj)
a point of time, especially one that is at a critical point
juncture (n)
one who sacrifices something or supreme value, such as a life, for a cause or principle; a victim; one who suffers constantly
martyr (n)
characterized by a hissing sound
sibilant (adj)
a relationship that is useful and harmonious
rapport (n)
many and varied; of many kinds; multiple
manifold (adj)
happening at a time or in a situation that is not suitable
happening too soon or sooner than is normal or expected
untimely (adj)
suitable for cultivation, fit for plowing and farming productively
arable (adj)
awkward, lanky, or unusually tall and thin
gangling (adj)
strong or excessive admiration or praise, fawning flattery
adulation (n)
small, virtuallt nothing, or much below the actual value of a thing
nominal (adj)
to thoroughly search, to plunder, pillage
ransack (v)
a young animal past its first year but not yet two years old
a yearling (n)
to issue an order or command; to direct or impose with authority
enjoin (v)
an impediment or obstruction; a state of being hindered; a cause of being prevented or impeded
hindrance (n)
the process of liquefying a solid or making a liquid
liquefaction (n)
to make invalid or nonexistent
nullify (v)
resistance, insurrection; conduct directed against public order and the tranquility of the state
sedition (n)
extremely generous or liberal in giving; lavish
munificent (adj)
the highest point of any path or course
zenith (n)
open to two or more interpretations, ambiguous and often intended to mislead; open to question, uncertain
equivocal (adj)