make furious (v)
a substance that produces a pleasant smell when you burn it, used particularly in religious ceremonies (n)
incense (v) (n)
pungent in taste
piquant (adj)
necessary as part of somebody’s duties
incumbent (adj)
miscreant (n)
to show a lack of respect for somebody, especially by ignoring them when you meet
snub (v)
becoming angry very easily
irascible (adj)
continuing for only a short time
transitory (adj)
to make something such as a bad situation, a belief, etc. continue for a long time
perpetuate (v)
working or doing something slowly and steadily, especially in a way that other people think is boring
plodding (adj)
begrudge (v)
to come together to form one larger group, substance, etc. (2 words)
amalgamate, coalesce (v)
fledgling (adj)
showing great skill; perfect
consummate (adj)
a confusing problem or question that is very difficult to solve
conundrum (n)
similar in some way to another thing or situation and therefore able to be compared with it
analogous (adj)