SAT Vocab 5 Flashcards
cohesion n.
cohesive adj.
Having the property of consistency.
coincide v.
To correspond.
coincidence n.
A circumstance so agreeing with another: often implying accident.
coincident adj.
Taking place at the same time.
collaborate v.
To labor or cooperate with another or others, especially in literary or scientific pursuits.
collapse v.
To cause to shrink, fall in, or fail.
collapsible adj.
That may or can collapse.
colleague n.
An associate in professional employment.
collective adj.
Consisting of a number of persons or objects considered as gathered into a mass, or sum.
collector n.
One who makes a collection, as of objects of art, books, or the like.
collegian n.
A college student.
collide v.
To meet and strike violently.
collier n.
One who works in a coal-mine.
collision n.
Violent contact.
colloquial adj.
Pertaining or peculiar to common speech as distinguished from literary.
colloquialism n.
Form of speech used only or chiefly in conversation.
colloquy n.
collusion n.
A secret agreement for a wrongful purpose.
colossus n.
Any strikingly great person or object.
comely adj.
comestible adj.
Fit to be eaten.
comical adj.
commemorate v.
To serve as a remembrance of.
commentary n.
A series of illustrative or explanatory notes on any important work.
commingle v.
To blend.
commissariat n.
The department of an army charged with the provision of its food and water and daily needs.
commission v.
To empower.
commitment n.
The act or process of entrusting or consigning for safe-keeping.
committal n.
The act, fact, or result of committing, or the state of being.
commodity n.
Something that is bought and sold.
commotion n.
A disturbance or violent agitation.
commute v.
To put something, especially something less severe, in place of.
comparable adj.
Fit to be compared.
comparative adj.
comparison n.
Examination of two or more objects with reference to their likeness or unlikeness.
compensate v.
To remunerate.
competence n.
Adequate qualification or capacity.
competent adj.
competitive adj.
characterized by rivalry.
competitor n.
A rival.
complacence n.
Satisfaction with one’s acts or surroundings.
complacent adj.
Pleased or satisfied with oneself.
complaisance n.
complaisant adj.
complement v.
To make complete.
complex adj.
compliant adj.
complicate v.
To make complex, difficult, or hard to deal with.
complication n.
An intermingling or combination of things or parts, especially in a perplexing manner.
complicity n.
Participation or partnership, as in wrong-doing or with a wrong-doer.
compliment v.
To address or gratify with expressions of delicate praise.
component n.
A constituent element or part.
comport v.
To conduct or behave (oneself).
composure n.
comprehensible adj.
comprehension n.
Ability to know.
comprehensive adj.
Large in scope or content.
compress v.
To press together or into smaller space.
compressible adj.
Capable of being pressed into smaller compass.
compression n.
Constraint, as by force or authority.
comprise v.
To consist of.
compulsion n.
compulsory adj.
compunction n.
Remorseful feeling.
compute v.
To ascertain by mathematical calculation.
concede v.
To surrender.
conceit n.
Self-flattering opinion.
conceive v.
To form an idea, mental image or thought of.
concerto n.
A musical composition.
concession n.
Anything granted or yielded, or admitted in response to a demand, petition, or claim.
conciliate v.
To obtain the friendship of.
conciliatory adj.
Tending to reconcile.
conclusive adj.
Sufficient to convince or decide.
concord n.
concordance n.
concur v.
To agree.
concurrence n.
concurrent adj.
Occurring or acting together.
concussion n.
A violent shock to some organ by a fall or a sudden blow.
condensation n.
The act or process of making dense or denser.
condense v.
To abridge.
condescend v.
To come down voluntarily to equal terms with inferiors.
condolence n.
Expression of sympathy with a person in pain, sorrow, or misfortune.
conduce v.
To bring about.
conducive adj.
Contributing to an end.
conductible adj.
Capable of being conducted or transmitted.
conduit n.
A means for conducting something, particularly a tube, pipe, or passageway for a fluid.
confectionery n.
The candy collectively that a confectioner makes or sells, as candy.
confederacy n.
A number of states or persons in compact or league with each other, as for mutual aid.
confederate n.
One who is united with others in a league, compact, or agreement.
confer v.
To bestow.
conferee n.
A person with whom another confers.
confessor n.
A spiritual advisor.
confidant n.
One to whom secrets are entrusted.
confide v.
To reveal in trust or confidence.
confidence n.
The state or feeling of trust in or reliance upon another.
confident adj.
confinement n.
Restriction within limits or boundaries.
confiscate v.
To appropriate (private property) as forfeited to the public use or treasury.
conflagration n.
A great fire, as of many buildings, a forest, or the like.
confluence n.
The place where streams meet.
confluent n.
A stream that unites with another.
conformance n.
The act or state or conforming.
conformable adj.
conformation n.
General structure, form, or outline.
conformity n.
Correspondence in form, manner, or use.
confront v.
To encounter, as difficulties or obstacles.
congeal v.
To coagulate.
congenial adj.
Having kindred character or tastes.
congest v.
To collect into a mass.
congregate v.
To bring together into a crowd.
coniferous adj.
Cone-bearing trees.
conjecture n.
A guess.
conjoin v.
To unite.
conjugal adj.
Pertaining to marriage, marital rights, or married persons.
conjugate adj.
Joined together in pairs.
conjugation n.
The state or condition of being joined together.
conjunction n.
The state of being joined together, or the things so joined.
connive v.
To be in collusion.
connoisseur n.
A critical judge of art, especially one with thorough knowledge and sound judgment of art.
connote v.
To mean; signify.
connubial adj.
Pertaining to marriage or matrimony.
conquer v.
To overcome by force.
consanguineous adj.
Descended from the same parent or ancestor.
conscience n.
The faculty in man by which he distinguishes between right and wrong in character and conduct.
conscientious adj.
Governed by moral standard.
conscious adj.
Aware that one lives, feels, and thinks.
conscript v.
To force into military service.
consecrate v.
To set apart as sacred.
consecutive adj.
Following in uninterrupted succession.
consensus n.
A collective unanimous opinion of a number of persons.
conservatism n.
Tendency to adhere to the existing order of things.
conservative adj.
Adhering to the existing order of things.
conservatory n.
An institution for instruction and training in music and declamation.
consign v.
To entrust.
consignee n.
A person to whom goods or other property has been entrusted.
consignor n.
One who entrusts.
consistency n.
A state of permanence.
console v.
To comfort.
consolidate v.
To combine into one body or system.
consonance n.
The state or quality of being in accord with.
consonant adj.
Being in agreement or harmony with.
consort n.
A companion or associate.
conspicuous adj.
Clearly visible.
conspirator n.
One who agrees with others to cooperate in accomplishing some unlawful purpose.
conspire v.
To plot.
constable n.
An officer whose duty is to maintain the peace.
constellation n.
An arbitrary assemblage or group of stars.
consternation n.
constituency n.
The inhabitants or voters in a district represented in a legislative body.
constituent n.
One who has the right to vote at an election.
constrict v.
To bind.
consul n.
An officer appointed to reside in a foreign city, chiefly to represent his country.
consulate n.
The place in which a consul transacts official business.
consummate v.
To bring to completion.
consumption n.
Gradual destruction, as by burning, eating, etc., or by using up, wearing out, etc.
consumptive adj.
Designed for gradual destruction.
contagion n.
The communication of disease from person to person.
contagious adj.
Transmitting disease.
contaminate v.
To pollute.
contemplate v.
To consider thoughtfully.
contemporaneous adj.
Living, occurring, or existing at the same time.
contemporary adj.
Living or existing at the same time.
contemptible adj.
Worthy of scorn or disdain.
contemptuous adj.
contender n.
One who exerts oneself in opposition or rivalry.
contiguity n.
contiguous adj.
Touching or joining at the edge or boundary.
continence n.
Self-restraint with respect to desires, appetites, and passion.
contingency n.
Possibility of happening.
contingent adj.
Not predictable.
continuance n.
continuation n.
continuity n.
Uninterrupted connection in space, time, operation, or development.
continuous adj.
Connected, extended, or prolonged without separation or interruption of sequence.
contort v.
To twist into a misshapen form.
contraband n.
Trade forbidden by law or treaty.
contradiction n.
The assertion of the opposite of that which has been said.
contradictory adj.
Inconsistent with itself.
contraposition n.
A placing opposite.
contravene v.
To prevent or obstruct the operation of.
contribution n.
The act of giving for a common purpose.
contributor n.
One who gives or furnishes, in common with others, for a common purpose.
contrite adj.
Broken in spirit because of a sense of sin.
contrivance n.
The act planning, devising, inventing, or adapting something to or for a special purpose.
contrive v.
To manage or carry through by some device or scheme.
control v.
To exercise a directing, restraining, or governing influence over.
controller n.
One who or that which regulates or directs.
contumacious adj.
contumacy n.
Contemptuous disregard of the requirements of rightful authority.
contuse v.
To bruise by a blow, either with or without the breaking of the skin.
contusion n.
A bruise.
convalesce v.
To recover after a sickness.
convalescence n.
The state of progressive restoration to health and strength after the cessation of disease.
convalescent adj.
Recovering health after sickness.
convene v.
To summon or cause to assemble.
convenience n.
Fitness, as of time or place.
converge v.
To cause to incline and approach nearer together.
convergent adj.
Tending to one point.