SAT Vocab 21 Flashcards
abnegation (n)
denial of comfort to oneself
arable (adj)
suitable for growing crops
clamor (n)
loud noise
deplore (v)
to feel or express sorrow, disapproval
dubious (adj)
doubtful, of uncertain quality
encumber (v)
to weigh down, burden
fortuitous (adj)
happening by chance, often lucky or fortunate
impeccable (adj)
exemplary, flawless
maudlin (adj)
weakly sentimental
obsequious (adj)
excessively compliant or submissive
palatable (adj)
agreeable to the taste or sensibilities
parsimony (n)
frugality, stinginess
raze (v)
to demolish, level
sanctimonious (adj)
giving a hypocritical appearance of piety
scathing (adj)
sharp, critical, hurtful
tenable (adj)
able to be defended or maintained
utilitarian (adj)
relating to or aiming at usefulness
variegated (adj)
diversified, distinctly marked
winsome (adj)
charming, pleasing
wrath (n)
vengeful anger, punishment