SAT - R's Flashcards
V. wander aimlessly (physically or mentally).
Listening to the teacher ramble, Judy wondered whether he’d ever get to his point.
N. bitterness; hatred.
Thirty years after the war, she could not let go of the past but was still consumed with rancor against the foe.
V. rave; talk excitedly; scold; make a grandiloquent speech.
When he heard that I’d totaled the family car, Dad began to rant at me like a complete madman.
V. approve formally; confirm; verify.
Party leaders doubted that they had enough votes in both houses of Congress to ratify the constitutional amendment.
Adj. harsh and shrill; disorderly and boisterous.
The raucous crowd of New Year’s Eve revelers got progressively noisier as midnight drew near.
Adj. extremely hungry.
The ravenous dog upset several garbage pails in its search for food.
V. destroy completely.
Selling is important; to raise a building is to put it up; to raze a building is to tear it down.
N. refutation; response with contrary evidence.
The defense lawyer confidently listened to the prosecutor sum up his case, sure that she could answer his arguments in her rebuttal.
V. disclaim or disavow; retract a previous statement; openly confess error.
Those who can, keep true to their faith; those who can’t, recant.
N. hermit; loner.
Disappointed in love, Miss Emily became a recluse; she shut herself away in her empty mansion and refused to see another living soul.
Reclusive, Adj.
V. narrate or tell; count over again.
A born story-teller, my father loved to recount anecdotes, about his early years in New York.
V. set right; correct.
You had better send a check to rectify your account before American Express cancels your credit card.
Adj. superfluous; repetitious; excessively wordy.
The bottle of wine I brought to Bob’s was certainly redundant; how was I to know Bob owned a winery?
V. disprove.
The defense called several respectable witnesses who were able to refute the false testimony of the prosecution’s sole witness.
Refutation, N.
V. banish to an inferior position; delegate; assign.
After Ralph dropped his second tray of drinks that week, the manager swiftly relegated him to a minor post cleaning up behind the bar.