SAT - P's Flashcards
N. one opposed to forcel antimillitarist.
During the war, though the pacfists refused to bear arms, they nevertheless served in the front lines as ambulance drivers and medical corpsmen.
N. social outcast.
If everyone ostracized singer Mariah Carey, would she then be Mariah the pariah?
N. humorous imitation; spoof; takeoff; travesty.
The show Forbidden Broadway presents parodies spoofing the year’s new productions playing on Broadway.
N. stinginess; excessive frugality.
Furious because her father wouldn’t let her buy out the clothing store, Annie was accused of parsimony.
Adj. one-sided; prejudiced; commited to a party.
On certain isues of principle, she refused to take a partisan stand, but let her conscience be her guide.
N. scarcity.
They closed the restaurant because the paucity of customers made it uneconomical to operate.
N. severe poverty; stinginess.
When his pension fund failed, George feared that he would end his days in penury.
Adj. superficial; not thorough; lacking interest, care, or enthusiasm.
The auditor’s perfunctory inspection of the books overlooked many errors.
Adj. marginal; outer.
We lived, not in central London, but in one of those peripheral suburbs that spring up on the outskirts of a great city.
Periphery, N.
Adj. very destructive.
Crack cocaine has had pernicious effects on urban society; it has destroyed families, turned children into drug dealers, and increased the spread of violent crimes.
V. making something last; preserve from extinction.
Some critics attack The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn because they believe Twain’s book perpetuates a false image of Blacks in this country.
Adj. pervading; spread throughout every part.
Despite airing them for several hours, Martha could not get rid her clothes of the pervasive odor of mothballs that clung to them.
Pervade, V.
N. belief that life is basically bad or evil; gloominess.
Considering how well you have done in your course so far, you have no real rason for such pessimism about your final grade.
N. observable facts; subjects of scientific investigation.
We kept careful records of the phenomena we noted in the course of these experiments.
N. lover of mankind; doer of good.
In his role as philanthropist and public benefactor, John D. Rockerfeller, Sr., donated millions to charity; as an individual, however, he was a tight-fisted old man.
N. religious devotion, godliness.
The nuns in the convent were noted for this piety; they spent their days in worship and prayer.
Pious, Adj.