SAT - F's Flashcards
V. help bring out; make less difficult.
Rest and proper nourishment should facilitate the patient’s recovery.
Adj. false; misleading.
Paradoxically, fallacious reasoning does not always yield erroneous results; even though your logic may be faulty, the answer you get may nevertheless be correct.
Fallacy, N.
Adj. flowed but not sowed; uncultivated.
Farmers have learned that it is advisable to permit land to lie fallow every few years.
V. hesitate.
When told to dive off the high board, she did not falter, but proceeded at once.
N. excessive zeal; extreme devotion to a belief or cause.
When Islamic fundamentalists demanded the death of Salman Rushdie because his novel questioned their faith, world opinion condemned them for their fanaticism.
Adj. difficult to please; squeamish.
Bobby was such a fastidious eater that he would eat a sandwich only if his mother first cut off every scrap of crust.
V. comprehend; investigate.
I find his motives impossible to fathom; in fact, I’m totally clueless about what goes on in his mind.
Adj. practical.
Is it feasible to build a new stadium for the Yankees on New York’s West Side?
V. cut or knock down; bring down (with a missile).
Crying “Timber!” Paul Bunyan felled the mighty redwood tree.
N. growing ardor; intensity of feeling.
At the protest rally, the students cheered the strikers and booed the dean with equal fervor.
Adj. spasmodic; intermittent.
After several fitful attempts, he decided to postpone the start of the project until he felt more energetic.
Adj. conspicuously wicked; blatant; outrageous.
The governor’s appointment of his brother-in-law to the State Supreme Court was a flagrant violation of the state laws against nepotism (favoritism based on kinship).
Adj. ruddy; reddish; flowery.
If you go to Florida and get a sunburn, your complexion will look florid.
Adj. rash.
Don’t be foolhardy. Get the advice of experienced people about undertaking this venture.
Adj. lacking in seriousness; self-indulgently care-free; relatively unimportant.
Though Nancy enjoyed Bill’s frivolous, lighthearted companionship, she sometimes wondered whether he could ever be serious.
N. thrift, economy.
In economically hard times, anyone who doesn’t learn to practice frugality risks bankruptcy.
Frugal, Adj.
Adj. stealthy; sneaky.
Noticing the furtive glance the customer gave the diamond bracelet on the counter, the jeweler wondered whether he had a potential shoplifter in his hands.