SAS 5 Flashcards
three major principles of ethical practices
- respect for autonomy
- beneficence
- justice
refers to freedom of action, as chosen by an individual person who are autonomers and capable of choosing and acting on plans they themselves have decided on
“we ought to do good and prevent or avoid doing harm”
the moral obligation to act on the basis of fair adjudication between competing claims
everyone is entitled to whatever they get in the natural lottery at birth
Entitlement Theory
greatest net of good and serve the largest number of people
Utilitarian Theory
first identifies the least advantages number of community
Maximin Theory
community takes the needs of all citizens into equally
Equalitarian Theory
granted freedom, written or oral form
(procedure, expected outcome, complication, side effects, alternative treatment)
informed consent
exchange of promises between two parties
policies, legal procedure, up to date knowledge
collective bargaining
most important and most legal safeguard
competent practice
developing rapport and working relationship with the community
Respecting individual rights
actual, accurate, complete and essential
legal responsibilities of student nurses include careful preparation by instructors
student liability
law designed to protect health practitioners while giving care in emergency situations
Good Samaritan Law
RA 1082
Rural Health Unit Act
RR 1054
Free Emergency Medical and Dental Treatment for the Employees
RA 7875
National Health Insurance Act
RA 7305
Magna Carta for Public Health Workers
RA 7432
Senior Citizen’s Act of the Philippines
RA 9257
Expanded Senior Citizens of the Philippines
RA 7160
Local Government Code
RA 7719
National Blood Services Act