SAS 4 Flashcards
RA No. 2382
Medical Practices
RA No. 9173
Nursing Practice
RA No. 7392
Midwifery Practice
RA No. 1286
Nutrition and Dietetrics
refers to the science of foods, the nutrients and other substances
refers primarily to the therapeutic and food service aspects of the delivery of nutritional services in hospitals and other health care institutions.
RA No. 5527
Medical Technology
duly registered physician who is specially trained in methods of laboratory medicine, or the gross and microscopic study and interpretations of tissues, secretion and excretions of the human body
a person who engages in the work of medical technology under the supervision of a pathologist or licensed physician
Medical Technologist
person certified and registered with the Board as qualified to assist a medical technologist and/or pathologist
Medical Laboratory Technicians
a person who is a holder of a valid certificate of registration and professional identification card in Dentistry who renders dental service
a person who is a holder of a valid certificate of registration and professional identification card and has undergone a two year course in dental hygiene from a government
Dental Hygienist
a person who is a holder of a valid certificate of registration and professional identification card and renders technical services such as mechanical construction of artificial denture and other oral devices
Dental Technologist
RA No.1364
Sanitary Inspector