Sarcomere Flashcards
What is the functional unit of contraction?
Thick filaments are made up of ____ and are found in the _____ .
H Zone”
What is found in the center of the A Band?
M Line
Myomesin is the component of what structure? What does it do?
“M Line
Provides attachment for Titin to hold Myosin in place”
Where is the H Zone? What does it contain?
“Either side of the M Line
Contains Thick filaments”
What is the name of the area where thick and thin filaments overlap?
Zone of overlap
What is found in the I Band?
thin filaments
What is the composition and function of the Z-disc?
“made of alpha actin
attachment for nebulin (actin) and titin (myosin) to hold them in place”
What is the name of the boundary between two sarcomeres?
Z disc
What structures are affiliated with the A band?
“M line
H zone”