SAP vs GAAP Flashcards
Deferred Acquisition Costs
GAAP: create a DAC asset to defer the recognition of acquisition expenses, to match the recognition of earned premium
SAP: does not allow deferring the expenses
Non-admitted Assets
SAP: do not count as assets for calculating surplus
GAAP: include as assets in surplus calculation
Deferred Tax Assets
GAAP: fully recognizes DTA, but creates a valuation allowance if it is more likely than not that the DTAs will not be recognized
SAP: strict admissibility test to recognize DTA, in addition to the valuation allowance. The admitted portion =
- the amount of DTA expected to reverse in the upcoming year, that can be applied to taxes paid on profits in the prior 3 years
- the amount of DTA expected to reverse in the upcoming year, limited to a % of surplus ( % = ratio of authorized capital to the ACL)
- the amount of DTA beyond that calculated above that can be offset against the existing DTLs
Invested Assets
investment grade bonds - amortized cost
lower rated bonds / preferred stocks - min (amortized cost, fair value)
common stocks / non-redeemable preferred stock: fair value
Available for Sale (AFS) - market value
Held for Trading (HFT) - market value
Held to Maturity (HTM) - amortized cost
Salvage and Subrogation
SAP: the insurer has the option about whether to record the reserves in Schedule P gross or net of anticipated salvage and subrogation
GAAP: The insurer must subtract the anticipated balances
Objectives and Focus of SAP and GAAP
SAP is based on the liquidity. The focus is on the balance sheet.
GAAP is based on on-going concern. The focus is on the income statement.
Policy Acquisition Costs
SAP: the policy acquisition costs are expensed as incurred.
GAAP: a deferred policy acquisition cost asset is set up and reduced over the term of the contract to match the earning of acquisition expenses with the earning of premiums.
Unauthorized Reinsurance
SAP: A liability, “Provision for reinsurance” is recognized. This provision includes an amount to recognize a penalty for unauthorized reinsurance that is unsecured as well as unauthorized reinsurance that is overdue or in dispute.
GAAP: Unauthorized reinsurance is reflected in GAAP only if the company has no reason to believe it is not recoverable.
No provision for reinsurance.
Federal Income Taxes
SAP: recognize the deferred taxes if it is more likely than not that they will be realized, but SAP does impose limits on these taxes
GAAP: recognize deferred taxes if it is more likely than not that they will be realized
SAP: Purchase price - Statutory Surplus
capped at 10% of the acquiring firm’s capital and surplus. It is amortized to unrealized capital gains over the period in which the acquiring firm benefits economically (up to 10 years)
GAAP: Purchase price - (fair value of assets - fair value of liabilities)
This goodwill balance is tested for impairment annually
Prospective reinsurance recoveries
SAP: reserves are net of reinsurance recoverables
GAAP: ceded recoverables are shown as assets
Retrospective reinsurance recoveries
SAP: undiscounted ceded reserves recorded as negative write in liability
(a gain may be generated if the reinsurance premium is less than the negative write in liability. This is treated as a write-in gain as part of other income; and the surplus benefit is treated as special surplus until the paid reinsurance recovery exceeds the premium paid)
GAAP: treated as a reinsurance recoverable asset. Any gain is deferred, no immediate income or surplus benefit. Gain is amortized over time.
Describe the different intended users of SAP vs GAAP
SAP: used primarily by regulators, and therefore focuses on the insurers ability to pay claims (surplus adequacy)
GAAP: used mainly by investors and creditors, and is therefore focuses on the measurement of earnings emergence
Compare the GAAP & SAP treatment of structured settlements if the claimant signs a release
- the purchase price of the annuity is recorded as a paid loss
- the claim is closed
Compare the GAAP & SAP treatment of structured settlements if a release is not signed
SAP: treatment is the same as the case where there is a release. However, the insurer must also disclose the contingent liability in the Notes to the Financial Statements
GAAP: the settlement is treated like a reinsurance contract, which involves creating a reinsurance recoverable asset
Describe the 8-K form
Filed to disclose certain material events, including:
- change in principal officers or directors
- change in the company’s certified accountant
- entering/ terminating a material definitive agreement
List 2 regulations that outline the SEC reporting requirements
- regulation S-X: Form & Content of financial statements
- regulation S-K: Integrated Disclosure rules
3 components of the fair value of reserves, according to the mark-to-model approach
- Expected value of nominal future cash flows
- A reduction to reflect the time value of money at the risk free rate, plus a load to reflect the illiquid nature
- A risk adjustment to compensate for the risk associated with the liabilities (Cost of capital approach, estimates the required capital to support the reserves at each future evaluation date)
2 methods to estimate the cash flows from the nominal reserves
- Use a payout pattern based on the loss reserve development
- Use the implied pattern based on the ratio of paid losses to ultimate losses by accident year
Value of Business In-force (VBIF) in P-GAAP
- used instead of deferred acquisition costs
- determine the fair value of the liabilities expected to be incurred in connection with the UEPR, and subtracting this from the UEP.