SAP 323 Flashcards
SAP 323
Vehicle Incidents
An incident limited to JFRD vehicles or JFRD property and no injuries requires notification of ______.
District Chief
TSF Manager
Company officer or person in charge of the vehicle should:
1) Notify FRCC of the circumstances, company status, and need for additional emergency response.
2) Request the District Chief
3) Request appropriate law enforcement
4) Notify tactical support
5) Request city insurance/claims adjuster through FRCC
6) When the scene is stabilized, complete the vehicle damage report
In cases where there is potential liability to JFRD, notify FRCC via ______ to relay the information to the responding claims adjuster.
Cellular phone
Vehicle incident review committee establishment of members:
- Division Chief, permanent chair
- Designee appointed by the president of IAFF #122
- Manager of the tactical support facility
- Certified EVOC instructor
- Engineer selected by Director / Fire Chief for 1 year term
- Chairman of the safety committee
Vehicle Incident Review Committee: The ______ has the authority to increase committee membership at his/her discretion.
Permeant Chair (Division Chief)
The ______ will ensure that all pertinent VDR’s are complete and sufficient data is available for the committee to review.
Recording Secretary
Reviews will be held on the ______ of each month or as needed. The chair person shall provide committee members with sufficient notification in case of change in this schedule for vehicle incident concerns.
First Monday
The vehicle Incident Review Committee chairperson may request any of the following information regarding the vehicle operator that may be pertinent:
- Previous vehicle damage reports
- Civilian driving record from the department of motor vehicles
Vehicle Incident Review Committee ruling on Class 1
Defined as an incident that was not preventable, or the investigation indicates no fault on the part of the JFRD engineer/operator or company officer.
Vehicle Incident Review Committee Rulings Class 2 Incident
An incident that has been determined to be the fault of the engineer/operator and/or company officer who violated JFRD rules and regulations, violated Florida driving statutes, misjudged clearance, or failed to drive defensively.
Vehicle Incident Review Committee Ruling Class 3 Incident
An incident which occurred because the engineer/operator and/or compay officer displayed negligence and willful disregard for JFRD rules & regulations or Florida driving statues.
JFRD personnel shall have a right to appeal the ruling made by the vehicle incident review committee, by ______.
either in writing or in person
Vehicle Incident Company officer or person in charge of the vehicle should do 6 things:
1) Notify FRCC - not over the radio
2) Request District Chief
3) Request law enforcement agency
4) Notify TSF personnel through FRCC
5) Request city insurance/claims adjuster through FRCC
6) Complete vehicle damage report.
Vehicle Incident Review Committee shall be:
- A division chief
- Designee appointed by pres. IAFF
- Manager of TSF
- Certified EVOC instructor
- Engineer selected by director/fire chief for a 1 year term
- Chairman of the safety committee or designee
At least ______ members of the committee must be present at the meeting in order to review incidents and held on ______ of each month as needed.
- At least 3 members
- First Monday each month
Chairperson may request information regarding vehicle operator that are:
- Previous vehicle damage report
- Civilian driving record from DMV
Vehicle Incident review committee ruling of Class 1 incident are:
Not preventable, no fault on the part of JFRD operator
Vehicle incident review committee ruling of class 2 incident are:
Fault of the operator and/or officer who violated JFRD RR
Vehicle incident review committee ruling of class 3 incident are:
operator and/or officer displayed negligence, a willful disregard for JFRD RR