Saol an Déagóra/Daoine óga Introduction Flashcards
Tá saol an déagóra sa lá atá inniu ann fíor-dheacair
The life of a teenager today is very difficult
Táim dubh dóite de bheith ag cloisteáil go bhfuil ‘saol éasca’ ag aos óg an lae inniu
I am heartbroken to hear that today’s youth have an ‘easy life’.
Is blianta deacra, casta agus fada iad gan dabht, ach thar aon ní eile, is blianta tábhachtacha iad
They are undoubtedly difficult, complex and long years, but above all, they are important years
Tagann fás fisiciúil ar dhéagóirí le linn na mblianta seo, ina theannta sin, tagann fás ar leibhéal na haibíochta freisin
Teenagers grow physically during these years, in addition, the level of maturity also grows
Is rud ollmhór é seo, bíonn daoine óga ag ullmhú don chuid eile den saol
This is a huge thing, young people are preparing for the rest of their lives
Teenagers are under pressure from all sorts of things, school and big exams, the media, cyber bullying, mental health and other things like alcohol and peer pressure
Bíonn déagóirí faoi bhrú le gach saghas rud, an scoil agus na scrúduithe móra, na meáin, cibearbhulaíocht, meabhairshláinte agus rudaí eile ar nós alcól agus piarbhrú
Níl taithí ag tuismitheoirí an lae inniu ar shaol an déagóra mar atá sé sa lá atá inniu ann
oday’s parents have no experience of the life of a teenager as it is today
Beidh mé ag plé cuid de na fadhbanna sin i rith na haiste seo
I will be discussing some of these problems during this essay