Sanjna - psych - Flashcards
What does each lobe in the brain do?
Frontal lobe, limbic system, and hypothalamus can all affect mood
What are the gestalt laws? give examples
Law of closure vs law of symmetry vs law of proximity
What is cortisol related to?
Don’t make assumptions if another answer choice states directly from passage and is less extreme
Give an ex of each type of emotion theory?
James-Lange= psysiological leads to cognitive aspects of emotion; Cannon-Bard= psysiological and cognitive are independent and at same time leads to behavior; Schachter-Singer = psysiological leads to cogntivie interpretation leads to behavior and experience
give an ex of cognitive dissonance
Cognitive dissonance = unpleasant feeling when holding two contradictory beliefs at same time
What are the gestalt laws? give examples
Law of closure vs law of symmetry vs law of proximity
What is cortisol related to?
Don’t make assumptions if another answer choice states directly from passage and is less extreme
Give an ex of each type of emotion theory?
James-Lange= psysiological leads to cognitive aspects of emotion; Cannon-Bard= psysiological and cognitive are independent and at same time leads to behavior; Schachter-Singer = psysiological leads to cogntivie interpretation leads to behavior and experience
give an example of each in the same scenario
discrimination is an action, prejudice is an attitude, stereotyping is a cognitive belief
what is intrinisc motivating factors and extrinsic motivating factors
go back into passage, don’t rush, think carefully about each answer choice especially since you are good on time for this section
What are the differences between these?
Social Influences: Compliance- direct request accepts influence, internalization vs identification, social proof
Would a jury having trouble deciding be what type of conflict?
approach -avoidant = one option has both neg and pos aspects; double approach- avoidant = two options have both neg and pos aspects
What is Weber’s Law?
Weber’s Law assert that perceptible differences are proportional to initial perception
give an ex of cognitive dissonance
Cognitive dissonance = unpleasant feeling when holding two contradictory beliefs at same time
construct validity = manner in which terms of study are defined; criterion validity: whether a variable is able to predict a certain outcome; external validity: generalizibility of the research beyond the study
construct validity = manner in which terms of study are defined; criterion validity: whether a variable is able to predict a certain outcome; external validity: generalizibility of the research beyond the study
If race was entirely a social construct then there should be more variability between races than within; if race is a biological then there should be less variability between than within
If race was entirely a social construct then there should be more variability between races than within; if race is a biological then there should be less variability between than within
don’t be careless; ind variable = one researchers control and change; dependent = one they measure
don’t be careless; ind variable = one researchers control and change; dependent = one they measure
give an example of each in the same scenario
discrimination is an action, prejudice is an attitude, stereotyping is a cognitive belief
what is intrinisc motivating factors and extrinsic motivating factors
go back into passage, don’t rush, think carefully about each answer choice especially since you are good on time for this section
What are the differences between these?
Social Influences: Compliance- direct request accepts influence, internalization vs identification, social proof
Would a jury having trouble deciding be what type of conflict?
approach -avoidant = one option has both neg and pos aspects; double approach- avoidant = two options have both neg and pos aspects
read passage over when asked about a procedure
read passage over when asked about a procedure
What are the piaget stages of development?
sensorimotor (0-2); preoperational (2-7 yr); concrete operational (7-11 yr); formal operational (12 plus)
What is structural strain, differential association and labeling thoery?
functionalist theories = social strat is necessary and results from the need