Sanders ATP Course Flashcards
Maneuvering (Va)
160 (4200#)
148 (3600#)
Best Angle (Vx)
Best Rate (Vy)
Best Angle Single Engine (Vxse)
Best Rate Single Engine (Vyse)
Safe Single Engine Speed (Vsse)
Minimum Control Speed (Vmc)
Stall Speed Landing Config. (Vso)
Stall Speed (controllable) (Vs)
Max Cruise (Vno)
Never Exceed (Vne)
Flap Extended (Vfe)
Glide Speed
2.5 miles/1000’
Max Landing Gear Operation (Vlo)
Rotation Speed (Vr)
Max Gear Extend Speed (Vle)
Max altitude lost during a stall?
300 ft
Acronym for Stall Recovery
Push, Roll, Power, Stabilize
Set up for Power Off Stall (clean)
Mixture then props - Full Forward
Flaps/Gear - Up
Power - IDLE
Maintain Alt/Hdg until first indications
Set up for Power On Stall (climb)
Mixtures then Props – Full Forward
Power – reduce to 15”
Flaps- Set 10 degrees (3 seconds)
Power- reset 20”
Pitch to 20 degrees Nose High
Recover – at first indication of Stall
Set up for Approach Stall (configured)
Mixture then props - Full Forward
Power- 15”
Below 165 - Gear Down
Below 130 - Flaps Full Down
Establish 30 degrees AOB then Throttles to IDLE
Engine Shutdown EP Boldface? What do they want you to say
“Push em up” - right mixture, both props, both throttles
“Clean em up” - flaps up/gear up
“Identify” - dead leg=dead engine
“Verify” - left throttle idle
“Feather” - left prop full feather
Engine - secure as time permits
Simulate FAM
L Fuel Selector - sim OFF
L Alternator - sim OFF
L Magneto - sim OFF
SE Approach EP Boldface? What do they want you to say
“Push em up” - BOTH mixtures, both props, R throttle
“Clean em up” - flaps up/gear up
“Identify” - dead leg=dead engine
“Verify” - simulate L throttle idle (already there)
“Feather” - SIMULATE feather
“Secure as time permits” and continue approach
Nose High UA Recovery
Throttles - Full Forward
Keep AOB until nose pushed through horizon
Roll wings level
Nose Low UA Recovery
Throttles - IDLE
Level Wings
Pull nose up to horizon
Engine Failure on Runway (below half Vmc)
“Abort Abort Abort”
Power - IDLE
“Simulate Max Braking”
Maintain directional control on runway
Emergency Descent Procedure
Throttles - 15”
Prop - 2400 RPM
Mixtures - Full Forward
Pitch - 1000 FPM descent
Airspeed - 160-170
Basic Empty Weight
2909 lbs
Cruise Speed
How are the flaps actuated?
Max degrees flaps can travel
Do you have to hold flap lever if you want to bring flaps up?
No. Limit switches automatically shut off flap motor
Lycoming IO-360 B1B, fuel-injected, 180 HP
Horizontally opposed cylinders (4x)
Naturally aspirated (no turbo charge)
Direct Drive (no reduction gear)
How many magnetos? How many spark plugs?
2x magnetos
8x spark plugs
Describe Propeller
constant speed
How does the pilot set the engine RPM?
set RPM with the prop lever which tells the flyweight what “on speed” is
What does the prop governor do? How?
Changes the blade angle
ports oil to/away from the hub depending on the position of the flyweights
Describe RPM and pitch relationship
High RPM = Low pitch
Low RPM = High pitch
Does more oil px give you more or less RPM/pitch?
More oil px = more RPM & low pitch
List components of prop governor
Pilot valve
Speeder spring
Oil pump
Unfeather accumulator
Where is the prop governor located?
rear side of engine
Prop will not feather below what RPM and why?
below 800 RPM because of anti-feather lock pin
When you add power how is the prop governor responding?
When you add power –> flyweights move to divert oil away from hub –> increases pitch –> lowers prop speed
What is unfeathering accumlator charged to?
300 psi
Does the unfeathering accumulator turn the prop?
No, it does not turn prop. It just twists the blades. The wind will turn the prop.
How many fuel tanks are there?
2 mains
2 aux
How much fuel do each tank hold? Total fuel?
Main - 25 gal (22 usable)
Aux - 31 gal
112 total / 106 usable
How many drains are there? Locations?
9 total
2 - mains
2 - aux
2 - crossfeed
2 - fuel strainer (low point)
1 - heater
How many pumps? How are they operated?
4 total
2 engine-driven
2 electrical boost pumps
When do we operate boost pumps?
Prime engine on start up
OAT >95 degrees
when the engine driven pump is inoperative
Define constant speed propeller
A propeller which maintains a constant RPM, selected by the propeller control lever regardless of the airplane’s pitch attitude or throttle position.
What is the advantage of a constant speed propeller?
pilot can “select” the most efficient blade angle for each phase of operation.
By selecting high RPM (low pitch), you can get maximum power for takeoff.
By selecting low RPM (high pitch), you can fly faster at low RPM and you can save the fuel for cruise.
What makes the propeller high pitch or feather?
Spring pressure in the hub and counter weight at the root of the propeller blades.
What makes propeller low pitch?
High pressure of the oil and aerodynamic force on the prop.
What will happen if you lose engine oil completely?
If rotation is above 800 RPM, prop will feather.
Below 800 RPM Centrifugal stop pins engage and prop will windmill
until it seizes.
How can you unfeather the prop?
Move the prop lever to high RPM position to activate the unfeathering accumulator
Min fuel required for takeoff? Located where?
13 gals in the mains
When do we use aux fuel?
For cruise
Max duration of slip
30 seconds
Why do we have to use main tanks for takeoff and landing?
Aux tanks do not have baffles which limit the movement of fuel to ensure fuel supply
How many fuel quantity gauges are there?
What is primary source of electricity?
How many alternators and what are they rated at?
2 engine-driven alternators
28V / 50amp
How many voltage regulators are there? What do they do?
only 1 in use at a time
maintains constant 24V regardless of RPM
How many buses? Names?
2 total
Main & Avionics
How many batteries? Rated at what?
2 batteries
each 12V / 25amp
How long would 25 amps last? 50 amps?
25 amps = 1 hour
50 amps = 30 mins
How is landing gear actuated?
How many landing gear motors? Where is it located?
1 electrical motor
under L pilot seat
How can you verify the landing gear is down?
Green Lights
Window box
When does the warning horn activate?
if throttles reduced to 14” and gear not down
if gear handle brought up while on deck (squat switch)
Where is squat switch located? What does it do?
pressure switch located in left main gear
stops gear from coming up
activated heater blower
How do the landing gear lights work?
Green light - gear down and locked
Red light - gear up
No light - gear in transit
Describe heater
50,000 BTU
0.5 gal/hr from left fuel line
cool for 2 mins before shutting down engine (ram air inflight or blower on deck)
How are the brakes actuated?
What acronym do we use to define the factors used in determining Vmc?
STANDARD DAY - Vmc decrease as altitude increase - decrease in air density reduces engine performance which decreases adverse yaw effect
AFT CG - arm btwn CG and rudder is shorter so rudder is less effective
FLAPS TAKEOFF/GEAR UP - keel effect - when configured the plane is stabilized and decreases Vmc
UP TO 5 DEGREES BANK - reduce drag
What acronym do we use to define the factors which determine which engine is critical?
P-FACTOR - descending blade on right engine has longer arm from CG - causes more yaw
ACCELERATED SLIPSTREAM - center of lift is further from longitudinal axis on right engine and results in less negative lift on the tail. Roll will be greater
SPIRALING SLIPSTREAM - slipstream from the right engine does not counteract the yaw from the dead engine because it spirals away from the tail
TORQUE - a/c tends to roll CCW since props rotate CW. Losing the left engine will cause a/c to roll to the left and torque produced by right engine will add to the left rolling tendency
Part 61 A, B, C
Part 61 - Certifications Pilot/CFI/Ground Instructors
A - General
B - Aircraft Ratings & Pilot Authorizations
Part 91 A, B, C, F, G, H
A - General Operating & Flight Rules
B - Flight Rules
C - Equip, Instrument, Cert Req
F - Large Turbine, Multi-Engine airplanes and Fractional Ownership
G - Add’t Equip & Operating Req for Large/Transport Aircraft
H - Foreign Aircraft Ops & Ops of US-registered aircraft outside US & rules governing persons on such aircraft
Part 117
Flight & Duty Limitations and Rest Requirements
Part 121
A, G, K, M, O, T, U, V
Operating Requirements: Domestic. Flag & Supplemental
A - General
G - Manual Requirements
K - Instrument & Equipment Req
M - Airman & Crewmember Req
T - Flight Ops
U - Dispatching & Flight Release Rules
V - Records & Reports
Part 135
A, B, C, D, E, F, G
Operating Requirements: Commuter & on Demand Operations & Rules Governing Persons on Board Such Aircraft
A - General
B - Flight Operations
C - Aircraft and Equipment
D - VFR/IFR Operating Limitations & Weather Requirements
E - Flight Crewmember Req
F - Crewmember Flight Time & Duty Period Limitations & Rest Req
G - Crewmember Testing Req
49 CFR Part 830
Notification & Reporting of Aircraft Accidents
Gas - switch to main
Mixture - full forward
Props - full forward
Switch - LL/flaps
Configuration and speed for a SE or circle to land approach
Flaps up
Configuration and speed for normal approach
Flaps 20