Sanctuary Notes Flashcards
T/F- This unique portable temple represented God’s dwelling with His people and the services conducted in connection with its operations had a threefold lesson on the plan for man’s salvation.
Which text tells us of the Heavenly sanctuary that Moses built the “pattern” of
Heb 8: 1,2,5
Ex 25: 9,40- sanctuary built after pattern
What is the Hebrew word for pattern- which suggest model or copy
Exodus 25:8
“And let them make me a sanctuary: that I may dwell among them.”
T/f Lesson # 1 - The sanctuary belongs to God and should be treated with respect and care”
What was the entire sanctuary surrounded with? Ex 27: 9-16
fenced with fine linen cloth supported with 60 pillars of brass
What is found in the outer court? Ex 27: 1-8
Altar of burnt offerings at entrance
What does the altar represent?
Purpose: Sacrificing of animals/offerings
Meaning: That Altar represented the Cross of Christ in the New Testament.
What does the animals/sacrifice represent? John 1:29
represented Christ, who was the real or ultimate sacrifice
What was the second item in the court before entering the sanctuary? Exo. 30:17- 21.
What did Lavar represent/Purpose?
Purpose: the Priests washed their hands and feet before offering sacrifice or entering the sanctuary
Meaning: The water represented cleansing from sin or the new birth–
Titus 3: 5- washing of regeneration, and renewing of the Holy Ghost;
What are the items in holy place and what did they represent?
The Table of Shewbread–
Purpose: Aaron and his sons to eat
Meaning: Exo.25:23-30. this represented Jesus the living bread- Jn.6:51
The seven-branch candlestick–
Purpose: To light the sanctuary
Meaning:Exo.25:31- 40. this represented Jesus as the light of the world– Jn.9:5 and Jn.1:9.
the oil represented the Holy Spirit- Zachariah 4:1-6 and Revelation 4:5.
The Altar of incense- Exo.30:7,8-
Purpose: where atonement is offered (once a year on its horns)/ burned and had sweet smell which points to the offensiveness of sin to God, the incense would represent the access we get through grace
Meaning: representing the prayer of the Saints- Rev.5:8
T/F- A thick heavy veil or curtain separated the first from the second room.
What was in the most holy place?
“The Ark of the covenant” Exo. 25:10-22.
What was the ark made of/ look like?
This was really a box or chess made of Acacia wood overlaid with gold.
There were two Angels standing on the top of that chess were two Angels made of solid gold.
Between these angels was “the mercy seat”- where the supernatural presence of God dwelt. This symbolized God’s throne in heaven, which is likewise located between two angels- Ps.80:1
What was inside the ark?
The ten Commandments which was written on two tables of stones by the finger of God,
Deut.10:4,5- and which His people will always be required to obey- Rev.14:12
Moses’ law in side pocket
The cover of the box containing commandments aka mercy seat- signifies the fact that as long as God’s people confessed and forsook their sins, Prov.28:13– mercy would be extended to them through the blood which was sprinkled on the mercy seat by the priest –Lev.16:15,16.
His throne- Ps 80:1
The blood of the animals which the priest sprinkled on the mercy seat represented
the blood of Christ that would be shed for sinners to bring forgiveness- Matthew 26:28, Hebrews 9:22
Represent Grace
Why were animals sacrificed- explanation
The sacrifice of animals was necessary to help the people under the old covenant understand that without the shedding of Jesus’ blood, which the animal blood represent, there could be no forgiveness of sin.
The validity of the Law and the cost of sin
this sacrifice pointed to Another
What is the punishment for sin- Rom 6:23
Eternal death-
T/F given the fact of Rom6:23, Adam and Eve would have died the very same day if
If it had not been for the plan made before the foundation of the world- Lamb slain from foundation- Rev 13:8
After sin, what did God require?- Gen 4:3-7
God required that sinners brought an animal sacrifice Gen 4:3-7
That sinner were to kill that animal with his own hands- the process was bloody and shocking, and express the reality of how awful sin is. Give answer and supporting text
T- Lev.1:4,5.
T/F- All through the old testament, the sacrificial system taught that God would give His son to die for sinners-. Give and and text
T- 1 Cor.15:3
T/F and text:
That Jesus would be their Savior and substitute-
T- Heb.9:28- died for sins of many
In the Old testament people looked forward to the cross for salvation, we look backward to the cross, but all sinners are saved by what happened at the cross.
Give finishing text
Acts 4: 12- Salvation only in One Name