Revelation Flashcards
Explain the outline of Revelation
Ch 1-3: Letters to church
(Ch 4-5: parethetical- look into heaven, ch5 opening of the book with seals)
Ch 6-7- 7 seals,with seal of God too- ch 7 answers question “who shall be able to stand”
ch8-11- Seven trumpets
Ch 12- The great dragon
Ch13- 7 headed leopard beast
ch 14( 3 andgels and their messages)
Ch 15-6 (7 last plagues)
ch 17 - Great whore
Ch 18(paranthetical- punishment of whore)
Ch 19- Saints’ Victory over satan and his agents- angelic and human
Ch 20( bounding of Satan, millennium
Ch 21-22- New earth
What does angel mean?
Can mean spiritual beings, but in apocalyptic language- it means messenger
Ark of Testimony
Symbol of covenant
Religious apostasy or confusion
Bottomless pit
Symbol of earth in chaos dark and empty
Satan or his agents/religious or religio-political powers
Kingdom/political power
speed power vision
Doctrine of Balaam
compromise idolatry or rebellion
symbol of suffering/judgment- “Let this cup pass from me”- He was gonna faced judgment
Bow and Arrow
sign of success in battle against evil
Apostate church/religion
Symbol of prayers of saints
Immorality, idolatry, apostasy
Mosaic covenant, OT sanctuary services and rituals
Political/Religio-political power (find reference)
Spiritual difficulty
Holy Spirit
Seven Heads
Seven political powers
Moral degredation
Sign of bloodshed
Time, times, dividing of timr
1 year, 2 years, half a year
Two witnesses
OT and NT
Nations/people- Rev 17:5
white robe
Victory and Righteousness
False doctrin
Pure woman
obedient/true church
Impure woman
apostate/rebellious/disobedient church
plagues and punishment
The theme of Rev 1-3
Reproof, councils, commendations, rewards
What are the seven churches and their symbolic names and time preiod?
Ephesus- 31 AD-100AD: Working church
Smyrna- 100AD-325AD
Persecuted church
Pergamos- 325AD- 538AD
Thyatira- 538AD-1500AD
Corrupt church
Sardis- 1500AD-1750AD
Dead church
Philadelphia 1750-1850 AD
Loving church
Laodecia- 1850- Second advent
Lukewarm church
Eight things from rev 6-7
White horse: Church militant- Pure church/virgin state
Red horse- Persecution/ suffering (this will split the church- sift it)
Black horse- Satanic erros now sneaking in. Indulgences for eg., superstition baptizing babies
Pale horse- Spiritually malnourished church
Cry of martyrs- Crying out for vengeance and liberation
Cosmic signs- Earthquake, astronomical events, natural disasters, global warming
144,000 vs great multitude- who are they- 144,000, why are they special
Silence in Heaven for space of ½ hour-
One school of thought says- the silence in heaven is following the events just before coming of Christ- caused by fact that everyone- the angelic host and Christ is coming for the saints- so there is silence
Second School- Silence is silence of expectancy- like a kind of awe in anticipation of what is to come- this silence is a bridge to the opening of the seven trumpets
Half an hour explanation
Half an hour- prophetic formula- 1 day= 360 years. So ½ hour = (1 day has 24 hours, and so there are 48 half hours= 360/48= 7.5
Some say it is an unspecified period of time as there is weak evidence to support breaking down time prophecy to ½ hour
Scapegoat Ritual fulfilment
Chaining of Satan
What does covenant mean? And what are the two words used for describing covenant
Covenant= agreement
Covenant made between equals- sunteke( like humans- coworkers, friends)
A covenant made between unequal- diateke( superior and inferior- like boss and subordinates