Samuel, Kings Flashcards
1 Samuel 1:4-20 describe what is going on with Eli, Samuel, and Hannah.
Hannah is barren and prays for a son.
Eli thinks she is drunk while she prays, she moves her lips, but her voice is not heard.
When she has a son, Samuel, she brings him back to Eli the priest so he can be raised as a Nazarite in the temple.
1 Samuel 2:1-10 What does Hannah say about God?
There is no one like the LORD… God will bring justice and judgment on his adversaries and guard his faithful ones.
1 Samuel 2:18-20, 26 what did Samuel do as a boy?
Samuel was ministering for the Lord and grew up in the presence of the Lord. He was learning to be a priest.
1 Samuel 3:1-10 How is Samuel identified v. 20
A trustworthy prophet is all of Israel
1 Samuel 8: 4-20 What does Samuel say the king will do to the people?
The king will take men and create army’s and force people to work for his glory and take land and riches for himself.
1 Samuel 15-16 what happens what Samuel, Jesse, David,
Samuel goes to the house of Jesse and sizes up all the sons of Jesse but God doesn’t pick any of them.
God says humans look at the outward appearance but God looks at the heart. V7
Then Jesse has to retrieve David from the field and Samuel anoints him with oil.
1 Samuel 17 - story and outline
David and Goliath
What is David’s response to Saul’s death?
David mourns Saul’s death and has the man who killed Saul, struck down
1 Samuel 17-18 David, Saul, Jonathan…
David gains notoriety because of killing Goliath
Saul is jealous and and evil spirit inflicts him.
David is asked to the play the harp for Saul
Jonathan and David become close friends.. Jonathan give David his cloak and armor.
Saul offers David his daughter in marriage.. david refuses
2 Samuel 5:1-5, 9-10
What happens with this covenant?
David becomes king and becomes more and more powerful because God was with him
2 Samuel 6 - What does David do before the ark? How does his wife respond?
David dances before the ark, Michal is embarrassed that David danced in his pajamas?
2 Samuel 7 - what promise does God make at the end of this text?
The house of David will be blessed forever
2 Samuel 11 - storyline
David sleeps with Bathsheba, she becomes pregnant, David gets Uriah drunk and places him in the frontlines of the battle to die
2 Samuel 11:26-12:13a -
Nathan’s parable
Nathan rebukes David for what he did to Uriah and Bathsheba
2 Samuel 18 what happens to Absalom? What is David’s response?
Absalom is killed by Joab’s armor bearers. David weeps and mourns
2 Samuel 23:1-7 how does David describe God’s covenant on his deathbed?
God’s covenant is arranged in every part…His house is right with God
1 Kings 2 : Solomon’s dream
God appears to Solomon in a dream and tells him to ask for what he wants. Solomon asks for discernment to govern God’s people
1 Kings 8 - how is the temple dedicated? How does it involve all humanity?
The priests move the Ark of the covenant to the Temple.
They sacrifice so many animals too many to count.
All gather as they moved the ark and God’s presence fills up the Holy Place in a dark cloud.
Solomon dedicates the temple.
1 Kings Storyline?
Solomon become King
Solomon builds the temple
1 Kings 18 - Mount Caramel Showdown
Elijah meets King Ahab and wants to prove God is the 1 true God
450 prophets of Baal
1 prophet of God
Prophets of Baals could not do anything.
Elijah has water poured on the offering and then prayers to God.
God that they may know you are the one true God show your greatness!
Fire comes from heaven and it burns up the offering and the ground around it!
Elijah kills all the prophets of Baal
1 Kings 19 - Ahab and Jezebel in relation to Elijah…
Ahab reports to Jezebel that Elijah killed all the prophets
Jezebel threatens Elijah’s life…
Elijah flees to Mount Horeb where God takes care of him and Elijah feels his presence in the stillness
1 kings 19:9-18 - Elisha, Jehu
Jehu is anointed king of Israel after Ahab
Elisha is anointed as prophet following Elijah
1 Kings 19 How does Elisha join Elijah?
Elisha is found in the field - Elisha sacrifices his oxen and burns the plows to cook the meat.
He feeds all those around him and then follows Elijah…
1 Kings 21- 22 ahab and Jezebels death
Jezebel will be eaten by dogs in Jezereel
Ahab will be cut off fine all of Israel too… he dresses in sack cloth ‘repents’
His life is spared - until he is kills in battle and dies in his chariot(Ch 22).
2 Kings 2 - what do prophets do at Jordan? What does Elisha ask?
The prophets follow Elijah and Elisha to the Jordan. Elisha asks for all the power that Elijah has. Elijah responds, if it will be, it will be.
2 Kings 2:1-12 - how does Elijah end his time on earth?
Elijah is taken up to heaven in a chariot.. while him and Elisha are walking down the road…
2 Kings 4 - 4 Miracles of Elisha
Widow and 2 sons - gather the pots from her neighbors and pour form your small oil pot and it get filling up all the vessels.
Elisha told her to use the money to pay her debts and live on the rest.
The Shunnamite woman makes a room for Elisha to stay - her son dies, Elisha takes her son to the room and lays on him then breathes in his mouth. He comes back to life!
Elisha urges the gathering of prophets to make a pot is stew - there was a famine so they gathered wild things they could find.
It was horrible - but Elisha instructed them to add flour and it turned good for them!
A man brought his 20 loaves of first fruits to Elisha and instructed his to feed the 100 men. He didn’t think there would be enough.
There was enough and more!
2 kings 5: 1-3, 7-15 - storyline
Naaman has leporasy and is sure God will cure him. Elisha asks him to bathe 7 times in the Jordan, but Namman does not want to do this. He finally does and his leporasy is cured and he states that he now knows that God is the only god of Israel.
2 Kings 5:1-14 - storyline
1 & 2 Samuel Outline
God makes Saul King
David anointed King
David and Goliath
David brings Ark to Jerusalem
God’s eternal promise to David
David’s sin with Bathsheba and Uriah
David’s son Absalom, usurps the throne and dies
CEB 1 & 2 Samuel NOTES
one book until 16th century
Establishment of Kingship
internal failures
external threats (Philistines)
Samuel, Saul, David - God works through leaders/events(providence)
–Request for a king as sinful
–kingship as God’s gift to Israel
1) Samuel the Prophet; Eli’s corrupt family
Israel’s is in need of new leadership for a new future.
2) The story of Lord’s Covenant Chest
Israel needs new leaders, but the power for change comes from God.
3) Establishment of kingship and the choosing of Saul.
Samuel views this as sinful.
Saul’s story is one of promise and tragedy.
4) Rise of David
Traits that make him worthy to be God’s anointed king.
warrior, man of prayer, leader with wisdom and compassion.
5) David on the throne
David brings kingdom together and makes it stable
David brings the Lord’s covenant check to Jerusalem, giving it a place of honor.
Defeats Israel’s enemies
Loose tribal alliance to David’s firm leadership and infant royal state.
6) The court history of David.
David’s use of power - abuse of power (Bathsheba, Uriah, Nathan)
Marks the story in 2 parts
Blessing/Curse - Gift/Grasp
Rape, Murder, Exile, Rebellion, Civil War, Grief
David’s retreat to Jerusalem(trusts his future to God, depends on divine mercy)
7) Final Davidic Traditions
God’s sovereignty exceeds human sovereignty
God’s promise and direction - God’s willingness to look beyond human failures to find a future for Israel and its leadership.
Power doesn’t rise from the force of human personality alone. God acts to create a future for Israel.
God can initiate judge, renew, and empower but chooses to do so through human leaders and their gifts.
God’s providence will create the future.