Samplex 2017 Flashcards
A vulvar malignancy:
a. Squamous hyperplasia
b. Paget’s disease
c. Erythroplakia
d. Lichen sclerosus
A usual pap smear can directly diagnose:
a. Vulvar cancer
b. Ovarian cancer
c. Cervical cancer
d. Fallopian tube cancer
Lining of a Bartholin’s duct cyst:
a. Glandular
b. transitional
c. squamous
d. \any of the above
C, D
The second most common malignancy of the vulva is
a. Squamous cell carcinoma
b. Melanoma
c. adenocarcinoma
d. sarcomas
Gross picture of vulvar cancer:
a. Raised
b. Flat
c. Ulcer
d. Any of the above
Common etiologic agent of bacterial vaginosis:
a. Gardnerella
b. actinomyces
c. Shaquillobacter
d. Entamoeba coli
The expected pap smear organism in a vagina showing thick, curd-like discharge :
a. small, very short bacilli
b. clue cells
c. yeasts and (pseudo) hyphae
d. large, multinucleated squamous cells
Vaginal cancer in the young (~teen-age)
a. sarcoma botryoides
b. squamous cell CA
c. clear cell carcinoma
d. glassy cell carcinoma
vaginal cancer in children (~2 year old):
a. sarcoma botryoides
b. squamous cell CA
c. clear cell carcinoma
d. glassy cell CA
True of melanoma (in the vagina and elsewhere):
a. aggressive behavior
b. may be pigment-free (in 10% of the cases)
c. similar morphology, whether vaginal or elsewhere
d. all of the above
The more commonly encountered HPV types:
a. 6, 11
b. 16, 18, 31
c. 35, 45, 56
d. all of the above
The cytologic hallmark of HPV infection:
a. clue cell
b. koilocyte
c. angular or raisinoid nucleus with peri-nuclear clearing
d. B and C
True of condyloma acuminata:
a. koilocytes present
b. at least low grade atypia on cytology
c. a sexually transmitted disease
d. all of the above
The feature that distinguishes CIN-3/CIS from MICA is:
a. degree of atypia
b. thickness of epithelial layer involved by atypia
c. mitotic activity
d. stromal invasion
Neoplastic cells fill up the lower 50% of the cervical epithelial thickness:
a. CIN-1
b. CIN-2
c. CIN-3
d. CIS
Neoplastic cells fill up the lower 50% of the cervical epithelial thickness, but has also infiltrated 3mm beyond the basement membrane.
a. CIN-3
b. CIS
d. squamous cell carcinoma, invasive
Of squamous cell CA, large cell, keratinizing:
a. HPV-related
b. Not HPV-related
c. Intracellular keratin accumulation
d. B and C only
It is difficult to definitely diagnose Adenoma Malignum in a cervical body specimen because:
a. the amount of dysplasia obtained is not enough
b. the criteria for diagnosis is vague
c. part of the criteria is based on depth of the tumor invasion into the cervical wall, which is usually not reached by a regular biopsy
d. The “existence” of the disease is controversial
Adenocarcinoma of the cervix:
a. associated with long-term contraceptive use
b. most common type is the endocervical type
c. accounts for about 10% (5-15%) of all cervical CA
d. all of the above
True of secretory phase endometrium
a. sub-nuclear vacuoles
b. saw-tooth glands
c. prominent stromal vessel walls
d. all of the above
The basis for the diagnosis of adenomyosis/endometriosis:
a. endometrial glands outside the endometrium
b. endometrial stroma accompanying the above glands
c. either A or B alone
d. both A and B required
The feature that distinguishes borderline or LMP mucinous and serous tumors from mucinous and serous cystadenocarcinoma of the ovary is
a. degree of atypia
b. mitosis
c. thickness of tumor
d. stromal invasion by tumor
. By definition, an ovarian teratoma must have:
a. at least 2 germ layers represented
b. all 3 germ layers represented
c. only one germ layer represented, but must have at least 3 derivatives
d. skin and skin adnexae
The invading trophoblast is the
a. cytotrophoblast
b. syncytiotrophoblast
c. intermediate trophoblast
d. all of the above
The trophoblast responsible for HCG is the:
a. cytotrophoblast
b. syncytiotrophoblast
c. intermediate trophoblast
d. none of the above
The proliferating trophoblast is the:
a. cytotrophoblast
b. syncytiotrophoblast
c. intermediate trophoblast
d. all of the above
In invasive mole, the mole usually is:
a. complete mole
b. partial mole
c. both
d. neither
A triploid karyotype is the usual presentation of a:
a. complete mole
b. partial mole
c. invasive mole
d. choriocarcinoma
Not part of TORCH:
a. toxoplasma
b. herpes
]c. cytomegalovirus
d. rubeola
Partial mole features do not include:
a. villous fibrosis
b. trophoblastic inclusions
c. cisterns
d. villous scalloping
A tumor of intermediate trophoblasts
a. complete mole
b. partial mole
c. choriocarcinoma
d. placental site trophoblastic tumor
In placenta accrete, which is defective?
a. the myomtetrium
b. the deciduas
c. the endometrium
d. the membranes
In chorionitis, neutrophils are expected in:
a. the amnion
b. the chorion
c. the umbilical cord
d. none of the above
In funisitis, neutrophils are expected in:
a. the amnion
b. Wharton’s jelly
c. the artery
d. all of the above
Compression of the umbilical cord may give rise to:
a. chorioamionitis
b. Velamentous insertion
c. placental ischemia
d. retroplacental hematoma
In velamentous insertion of the placenta, the umbilical cord is:
a. at risk for rupture
b. anchored to the chorion
c. paper thin
d. marginally inserted
Calcification in the placenta is normal:
a. at any time
b. in prematures
c. at term
d. when patient has high serum calcium
Cannonball lesions may be seen in:
a. complete moles
b. choriocarcinomas
c. partial moles
d. preeclampsia
Invasion of trophoblast by vessels is normal in:
a. preeclampsia
b. pregnancy
c. ectopic pregnancy
d. all of the above
Which of the following invades the endometrium during implantation?
a. morula
b. embryo
c. blastocyst
d. invasive mole
The “grapes” in complete mole are actually::
a. dilated membranes
b. trophoblasts
c. edematous villi
d. empty sacs
High levels of HCG are expected in:
a. normal pregnancy
b. complete mole
c. choriocarcinoma
d. all of the above
Chemotherapy may be given in:
a. complete mole
b. choriocarcinoma
c. both
d. neither
A term placenta weights approximately:
a. 250 grams
b. 500 grams
c. 750 gams
d. 1 kilogram