Samplex 2016 Flashcards
Which of the following is considered a precancerous lesion?
a. Lichen sclerosus
b. Usual condyloma acuminatum
d. Endocervical polyp
Which of the following cannot be identified in the pap smear?
a. Trichomonas
b. Mycobacterium
c. Clue Cell
d. Koilocyte
What cyst in the vulva is associated with Neisseria gonorrhoea
a. Nabothian cyst
b. Keratinous cyst
c. Bartholin cyst
d. Hydatid cyst of Morgagni
What organisms are commonly found in the pap smears of pregnant women?
a. Candida
b. Trichomonad
c. Chlamydia
d. Mized organism
The following are included in the category of high grade squamous intraepithelial lesion:
a. Moderate dysplasia
b. Severe dysplasia
c. HPV associated cellular change
d. All of the above
e. A and B only
What are the features of secretory phase endometrium
a. Tubular and elongate appearance of the glands
b. Presence of vacuoles in the glandular epithelium
c. Minimal stromal edema
d. Increase in mitotic activity of both glands and stroma
Which neoplasm of the female genital tract is encountered in the older population?
a. Squamous carcinoma of the vulva
b. Immature teratoma
c. Sacromal botyroides
d. Clear cell carcinoma of the vagina
30 year old nulligravid developed vaginal spotting and subsequently passed out hemorrhagic spongy to meaty tissue admixed with occasional tiny vesicles. LMP was 6 weeks ago. What is the probable diagnosis?
a. Spontaneous abortion
b. Complete hydatid mole
c. Ectopic pregnancy
d. Any of the above
This patient subsequently underwent dilation and curettage and her obstetrician gynaecologist obtained 4 teaspoonful of hemorrhagic soft to friable tissue fragments with an aggregate diameter of 5.0cm. What do you expect to find on histopathologic examination of the curettage specimen?
a. Decidual tissues
b. Hydropic villi
c. Trophoblast
d. All of the above
e. A and C only
Cervical carcinoma strictly confined to the cervix with a maximum stromal depth of invasion of 5mm and a width of no more than 7mm is in what FIGO stage?
a. Stage 0
b. Stage Ia
c. Stage Ib
d. Stage II
Which of the following belong to the low oncogenic-risk groups of anogenital human papilloma virus?
a. Types 16, 18, 45, 56
b. Types 31, 33, 35, 51, 52
c. Types 6 and 11
d. All are of the high oncogenic-risk groups
What is one characteristic of the functional squamocolumnar junction?
a. Histologically, metaplastic squamous cells are found
b. It is found at the level of the external os lined by native squamous epithelium
c. It has a red, velvety zone when viewed with the naked eye
d. It is similar in appearance to the original squamocolumnar junction
The following are features of gestational endometrium except which one?
a. Predecidual reaction in a markedly edematous stroma
b. Fibrinoid layer with placental site syncytial cells
c. Exhausted endometrial glands amidst degenerated stromal cells admixed with neutrophils and red cells
d. Hypersecretory glands with Arias-Stella reaction
The following except one are the possible histologic patterns of the endometrium in patients with anovulatory type of bleeding.
a. Disordered proliferative endometrium
b. Simple endometrial hyperplasia
c. Arias-Stella reaction in the endometrial glands
d. Atrophic endometrium
The following are non-neoplastic cysts of the ovary except which one?
a. Cortical inclusion cyst
b. Serous cyst
c. Theca lutein cyst
d. Follicular cyst
Elevated serum alpha feto protein is a useful serologic marker for which tumor?
a. Granulosa cell tumor
b. Choriocarcinoma
c. Yolk sac tumor
d. Mature teratoma
Which is not characteristic of a Krukenberg tumor?
a. Both ovaries are infiltrated by the tumor
b. Signet ring cells infiltrate the ovarian strona
c. The most common primary focus is a lobular type of breast carcinoma
d. Abundant mucin around the tumor cells is present
Which one is characteristic of yolk sac tumor of the ovary?
a. Occur in the older population
b. Presence of tubulopapillary areas with hobnail cells
c. Tumor exhibits the typical Schiller-Duval bodies
d. Presence of microfollicular pattern with Caln exner bodies
Which among the ovarian tumors are of germ cell origin?
a. Struma ovarii
b. Immature teratoma
c. Carcinoid tumor
d. All of the above
e. A and B only
34 year old, 30 weeks AOG, hypertensive with bipedal edema delivered a premature baby girl via cesarian section. The placenta was submitted to the histopath lab for pathologic examination. What do you expect to see?
a. Overperfused chorionic villi
b. Fully dilated spiral arteries
c. Placental infarcts
d. Placenta accrete
A feature of ovarian serous tumors of borderline malignancy includes which of the following?
a. Presence of exuberant growth of columnar lining epithelium with tufting and mild nuclear changes
b. Stroma is different from the stroma of serous cystadenomacarcinoma
c. Presence of stromal invasion
d. Only serous cystadenocarcinoma contains psammoma bodies
Sudden onset of right pelvic pain associated with vaginal spotting in an 18 year old whose LMP was 7 weeks ago. What is the most probable diagnosis?
a. Threatened abortion
b. Ectopic pregnancy
c. Chronic salpingitis
d. Endometrial polyp
Sudden onset of right pelvic pain associated with vaginal spotting in an 18 year old whose LMP was 7 weeks ago. Predict the result of the pregnancy test ordered by the attending obstetrician in the patient.
a. Positive
b. Negative
c. Equivocal
Which of the following conditions is a cause of early abortion?
a. Chromosomal abnormality of the fetus
b. Maternal infection
c. Uterine abnormalities
d. Maternal disease
Which of the following characteristics below is a feature of a recent placental infarct?
a. Tan to yellow white on cut sections
b. Usually clinically significant even if less than 1 cm in diameter
c. Histologically appear as a villous crowding with marked congestion
d. Readily appreciable by visual inspection than palpation
What is the placental pathology if the decidual plate is deficient and the chorionic villi infiltrate the full thickness of the myometrium
a. Placenta increta
b. Retroplacental hematoma
c. Placenta percreta
d. Placenta previa
The following are features of complete hydatidiform mole except which one?
a. Hydropic and avascular villi
b. Variable trophoblastic proliferation
c. Triploid karyotype
d. 46 XX, 46 XY Karyotype
What is the most likely histomorphology of the endometrium of a 62 year old woman with vaginal bleeding that yielded scanty tissue fragments on fractional curettage due to vaginal bleeding?
a. Atrophic endometrium
b. Secretory endometrium
c. Asynchronous endometrium
d. Endometrial hyperplasia
Which of the following characteristics below is a feature of typical leiomyomas?
a. Usually large, fleshy and solitary
b. Usually multiple with white whorled cut surface
c. Cut surface is soft and fleshy with necrosis and hemorrhage
d. Contain numerous abnormal mitoses and exhibit cellular atypia
The regurgitation theory as its pathogenesis is related to what underlying pathology?
a. Cervical epithelial neoplasia
b. Squamous metaplasia
c. Adenomyosis and endometriosis
d. Endometrial carcinoma
A routine pap smear of a 24 year old was submitted in the laboratory. The smear was placed in a slide and fixed in 95% alcohol.
What type of cytological preparation and examination would be done?
a. Conventional cytology
b. Liquid base cytology
c. Either
d. Neither since fixative is incorrect
A routine pap smear of a 24 year old was submitted in the laboratory. The smear was placed in a slide and fixed in 95% alcohol.
On examination, there is a predominance of the intermediate squamous cells and numerous neutrophils in the background. Predict the possible timing of the menstrual cycle.
a. Proliferative phase
b. Secretory phase
c. Menstrual phase
d. Cannot be assessed based on the above
A routine pap smear of a 24 year old was submitted in the laboratory. The smear was placed in a slide and fixed in 95% alcohol.
On further examination of the smear, there are a few intermediate squamous cells having perinuclear halo and raisinoid nuclei. What are these structures?
a. Clue cells
b. Koilocytes
c. Trichomonds
d. Chlamydia
A routine pap smear of a 24 year old was submitted in the laboratory. The smear was placed in a slide and fixed in 95% alcohol.
What is the reading or report using Bethesda system of cervicovaginal cytodiagnosis?
a. Negative for intraepithelial lesion or malignancy
b. Benign cellular changes associated with inflammation
c. Low grade squamous intraepithelial lesion
d. High grade sqamous intraepithelial lesion
A routine pap smear of a 24 year old was submitted in the laboratory. The smear was placed in a slide and fixed in 95% alcohol.
What organism is associated with the above findings in the smear?
a. Human Papilloma virus
b. Herpes Simplex virus
c. Trichomonas vaginalis
d. Chlamydia trachomatis
A routine pap smear of a 24 year old was submitted in the laboratory. The smear was placed in a slide and fixed in 95% alcohol. On subsequent follow up, patient was advised to undergo cervical biopsy. Histopathologic report revealed dysplastic cells to involve almost half of the entire cervical lining epithelium
What is your diagnosis?
a. Cervical intraepithelial neoplasia II
b. Moderate dysplasia
c. High grade squamous intraepithelial lesion
d. Any of the above
A routine pap smear of a 24 year old was submitted in the laboratory. The smear was placed in a slide and fixed in 95% alcohol. On subsequent follow up, patient was advised to undergo cervical biopsy. Histopathologic report revealed dysplastic cells to involve almost half of the entire cervical lining epithelium
Which among the following HPC types are possibly present in this patient?
a. Type 16, 18
b. Type 6, 11
A routine pap smear of a 24 year old was submitted in the laboratory. The smear was placed in a slide and fixed in 95% alcohol. On subsequent follow up, patient was advised to undergo cervical biopsy. Histopathologic report revealed dysplastic cells to involve almost half of the entire cervical lining epithelium
What would happen if the above pathology is left untreated for years?
a. Remain stable
b. May progress to an invasive malignancy
c. Regress in itself
d. The outcome is unpredictable
A routine pap smear of a 24 year old was submitted in the laboratory. The smear was placed in a slide and fixed in 95% alcohol. On subsequent follow up, patient was advised to undergo cervical biopsy. Histopathologic report revealed dysplastic cells to involve almost half of the entire cervical lining epithelium
The patient was lost to follow up and after two years, patient consulted for vaginal spotting. Cervical biopsy showed full thickness involvement by the dysplastic cells. What is the FIGO staging at this point in time?
a. Stage 0
b. Stage IA1
c. Stage IA2
d. Stage II
What is the most important parameter in predicting the outcome of malignancy?
a. Clinical stage
b. Tumor type
c. Tumor size
d. Age of patient