Sample processing Flashcards
What is the name of the analyser used in transfusion?
What is carried out on the IH-100 analyser
ABO grouping
Rh grouping
Antibody screen using the 3 cell screen
Quick grouping can also be done on board
How does the IH-1000 analyser work
It uses gel ID technology and takes high definition photos of the cards
The analyser views the photos and grades the reactions - any reactions it is unsure of it will flag for review by a scientist
How are results processed on the IH-1000
If the results are straightforward they will go straight over to telepath/LIS
Results will need to be manually accepted on telepath in order for them to go across to LIS/HIS
The accepting of results from the analyser must be done by the same scientist who viewed the results on the analyser
What maintenance has to be done on the IH-1000
Wash solution (5L distilled water + 15ml decon) - daily maintenance
Cleaning solution (2.5 L distilled water + 10 ml microside) - weekly maintenance
How often is IQC ran?
Three times a day - morning, mid day and night <2 am
IQC should be good for 12 hours but we run it more frequently for INAB
IQC always ran after maintenance
How do we treat routine vs urgent samples on the IH1000?
Routine = green ‘3’ racks
Urgent = red racks
QC = green ‘1’ racks
How does the analyser grade reactions?
3+ reaction in forward group for positive
it will ask a scientist to look at any 1 or 2+
Antibody screens only need a 2+ to be positive