Salvation (Chapter 3) (the foundation of understanding the biblical /christian worldview) Flashcards
What does salvation have to do with one’s ethics and one’s Worldview?
Because of Sin… we have a fault in humanity and we have ethics put in place.
moral reasoning is clouded by sin. (cognitive and moral pride.) We do not naturally align to God’s word. We do not typically think of ourselves as rebellious, selfish people, and therefore, do not naturally recognise our need for salvation.
What is salvation
the intervention of God whereby he on the basis of the life, death and resurrection of Jesus christ, delivers (rescues) the sinner from the eternal consequences of sin.
- paying the necessary price to purchase another’s freedom
or (born again) giving a second birth to bring about new life.
restoring peace and fellowship to a broken relationship.
declaring someone free from guilt in the court of law. declaring someone to be righteous or holy.
setting something apart from common use for the exclusive use in the service of God.
What makes salvation possible?
Grace means god acts in kindness to provide something undeserved.
it is demonstrated in the death of christ on behalf of sinners. (Romans 3:23)
Grace makes human effort unnecessary in salvation.
Faith - what faith does and does not mean:
simply believing or knowing about god
an irrational blind leap
knowing just the facts of the gospel. (Head knowledge only) I corinthians 15:2
A purely emotional response to the Gospel.
Faith means:
to trust and believe
that I have heard and understood, and trust in God’s provision in Jesus christ.That I have realized that salvation is through Christ Jesus.
believe that Salvation is through christ alone.
What Repentance does not mean:
What Repentance does not mean:
merely acknowledging my sin
simply feeling regret for or sorrow over my sin
deciding to become a better person or turn over a new leaf.
Repentance means:
I realise I am Guilty before God who is holy.
I have changed my mind about God and Sin. The root idea of repentance is “a change of mind” I no longer want to live my life the way I want to live it but the way God wants me to live it.
I am willing to experience a visible change in my lifestyle.
Three Tenses to a person’s salvation:
Past salvation - Justification.
Present salvation - Sanctification
Past salvation - Justification.
The act of God in which he declares the sinner to be right standing with Himself. (To “declare righteous or holy”)
Its place in Salvation:
- Justification involves permanent deliverance from sin’s eternal consequences.
- in justification God positions me to live as I ought.
Present salvation - Sanctification
(to “Set Apart”) it is possible through God to go a day without sinning!
it is the ongoing work of God In which he develops within the believer a holy lifestyle.
Future Salvation - Glorification
this is the completion of a believer’s salvation in which God delivers their body from mortality to immortality and from corruption to incorruption.
its place in salvation: Future salvation involves total and complete deliverance from the condition of sin.
The promise of final or completed salvation in which God Inspires me to live as I ought.