Salvation Flashcards
Describe Catholic Beliefs About Salvation
-In Christianity, salvation means being freed from sin and its consequences.
-Catholics believe that human sinfulness means that they had rejected God and no longer had a perfect relationship with him.
-However, God loves humans and so provided a way for human sins to be ‘paid for’. Jesus came to “give his life as a ransom for many.”
-This allowed for the relationship between humans and God could be repaired and humans can hope to spend eternity with God after death.
-Catholics believe that the way God did this was to become human, as Jesus, and then to die on the cross.
Describe the Role of the Paschal Mystery in Gaining Salvation for Catholics
-Catholics believe that Jesus’ life, death and resurrection save them from sin.
-Through his life, Jesus sets Catholics a perfect example of how to live a life of loving service that will save them from the sin of selfishness.
-In death, Jesus offers himself as a perfect offering of love to the Father and takes on himself the punishment that human beings are owed because of sin, so opening a way to heaven for everyone.
-By rising again he destroys death forever and shows believers what awaits them after death, saving them from sin by guaranteeing eternal life to them.
Describe the Importance of Jesus’ Death and Resurrection and Ascension For Catholics
-Catholics believe that the death, resurrection and ascension of Jesus saves them from sin.
-By this they mean that his death, resurrection and ascension restores their relationship with God and allows them access to heaven after they die.
-They also mean that Jesus’ death, resurrection and ascension are sources of grace for Catholics and that they can give them the power to resist committing sins.
Describe Catholic Explanations For Jesus’ Death
-The importance of Jesus death can be explained in terms of a sacrifice for sins to restore the relationship between human beings and God.
-It could also be explained as a punishment for the sins committed by humanity that Jesus (who is sinless) takes on himself so that human beings do not have to experience such a punishment.
-It could also be explained as a proof of God’s love for human beings, as a perfect act of self-giving that summed up a life of perfect obedience.
Describe Catholic Explanations For Jesus’ Resurrection
-Jesus’s ability to overcome death proved he was the Son of God and had a divine nature.
-It confirms their belief in the Trinity and and omnipotent God who holds ultimate power over the universe he created, because only the creator of life could resurrect to life after death.
-Catholics also think the Resurrection demonstrates that Jesus is their Saviour. They believe in Christus Victor- that he has the power to help anyone who believes in him to overcome death.
-By forgiving their sins Jesus can grant them the gift of eternal life with God
Describe Catholic Explanations For Jesus’ Ascension
-The significance of the Ascension for Catholics is that it is the end of Jesus’ time on earth. Catholics believe this means his mission, or reason for being on the Earth was successful.
-He had completed everything God the Father had intended him to do and could, therefore, return to heaven to prepare a place for his followers.
-Catholics also believe that Jesus’ Ascension opened the way for an outpouring of the Holy Spirit to energise and encourage Christians everywhere, as Jesus had promised at the Last Supper.
Describe Catholic Beliefs About Redemption
-Redemption is the belief that Jesus paid the ransom to free
humans from sin by dying on the cross.
-The Catholic Church recognises the important of Jesus’ death as a sacrifice made for the sake of human sin so humanity’s relationship with God could be restored.
-Jesus’ death on the cross was the action that bought redemption from sin, it paid the price of sin and repaired the relationship with God.
Describe the Importance of Redemption for Catholics
-Redemption is important to Catholics as Jesus sacrifice enables salvation as humanity is saved from the consequences of sin.
-Catholics believe that through redemption, those who accept God’s gift of salvation through redemption will be able to go to heaven after death and be with God eternally.
-Redemption is important as it enable Catholics to believe in Jesus as the incarnate son and in the sacrament of the Eucharist.
Describe Catholic Beliefs About Jesus as the “Lamb of God”
-Catholics describe Jesus as “The lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world.” This means that just as people had sacrificed a lamb, Jesus’ death was a sacrifice to make up for human sin.
-However, because Jesus was divine, perfect and without sin, His sacrifice restored the human relationship with God for all times, unlike the animal sacrifices.
-So, by sacrificing his life, Jesus ‘paid the price’ for human sin. Human beings could not do this for themselves, as they were sinners.
-He earned salvation by suffering this punishment on behalf of all human beings. Catholics believe that, in turn, Jesus extends the salvation he earned to all those who believe in him.
Describe Catholic Beliefs About Grace
-For Catholics, grace is the love and mercy shown by God
because God wants them to have it, not because they have
done anything to deserve or earn it.
-It is a free, generous and undeserved gift from God. If
Catholics repent of their sins, they are truly sorry for them.
-Catholics believe that this makes them children of God and
gives them the desire to change and do good.
-Grace comes about in a special way in the sacraments,
which Catholics believe are an encounter with God.
Describe Catholic Beliefs About the Role of Grace and Free Will For Salvation
-Catholics believe in grace, which is God’s free gift of love and forgiveness. This is why they believe that salvation is possible for all people, because God’s forgiveness has no limits.
-Catholics also believe in free-will, which is the choice human beings have to accept or reject this grace.
-This is why they believe that some people will not be saved because they will freely choose to reject God’s offer of salvation.
-Catholics believe that in order to receive the gift of salvation human beings must be Baptised and have faith in God, this is why they believe that “outside of the Church there is no salvation.”
Describe Catholic Beliefs About God’s Mercy
-Catholics believe that God does not send anyone to hell. Humans have free will and will choose how to spend their life.
-In the parable of The Unforgiving Servant, the servant is punished for not forgiving another after being forgiven himself.
-Jesus taught, “also my heavenly Father will do to every one of you, if you do not forgive your brother from your heart.”
-This story demonstrates that it is the free choices made by humans that lead to them going to hell after death.
-The concept of free will means that God can only offer salvation; it is up to the individual to accept that offer.
Explain how Catholics are Influenced by God’s Mercy
-This will influence Catholics to confirm their belief in the faith and do good works in order to gain salvation and avoid hell.
-This will include taking the sacraments to die in God’s grace so spend less time in Purgatory.
Evaluate Catholic Beliefs About God’s Mercy
-The Bible contains many passages that refer to Hell.
-Jesus warned of the fire that will burn some people up on the last day.
-Therefore, because Jesus was sinless yet still speaks of hell, an all-loving God can still exist alongside hell.
Describe Atheist Beliefs About God’s mercy
-Atheists view the punishment of hell as a contradiction to the belief in an omnibenevolent God.
-For atheists, a God who condemns sinners to eternal damnation does not seem to be like Jesus who always forgave sinners.
-For example, Jesus taught, “Do not forgive seven times, but seventy times seven.”
-However, if God was all-loving, then He would follow His own teaching so would not condemn anyone to hell.
Explain how Atheists are Influenced by God’s Mercy
-Atheists will be influenced to live their life how they would like. This is because they believe there is no life after death so no punishment for breaking strict religious rules.
-However, they will still try to live a good life by following their conscience as they believe there is only one chance to be a good person and there is only one planet for us to care for.
Evaluate Atheist Beliefs About God’s Mercy
-The New Testament teaches that God will forgive anyone of anything. In that case, there is no need for Hell.
-However, God is also a just God and so there must be a consequence for those who have done wrong.
-Despite this, some may argue that no-one deserves to be punished for eternity because of a few sins.
-However, hell is not a punishment, but a consequence of choosing to go against God.