Church and Mission Flashcards
Describe Catholic Beliefs About the Church
-In Greek, ‘ecclesia’ is the word for Church. It means assembly or gathering together of God’s people. The Church is the people of God gathered together.
-The word church with a small c is used to refer to building where Christians come to pray.
-When it is written with a capital C, Catholics mean everyone who is a member of the Church, all believers together. The Church is an important idea to Catholics.
Catholics believe that the Church is one, holy, catholic and apostolic.
Describe the Reasons for the Church as ‘One’
-The Catechism notes that the Church is one for three reasons.
-One reason is because it comes from one source, God. This is the Holy Trinity, a perfect unity of three divine persons.
-A second reason is because of its founder, Jesus Christ, who came to reconcile and unite all humankind through His death on the cross, taking away their sins.
-The final reason is because of its soul, the Holy Spirit, who lives in the souls of Catholics and unites them into one group or ‘communion’ of believers, and who guides the church.
Describe Catholic Beliefs About the Church as ‘One’
-Catholics believe that there is only one Church and all those who believe in Christ and are baptised are members of it.
-Catholics are united in their beliefs, the prayer which sums up what Catholics believe, the other teachings and the celebration of the sacraments.
-For example, wherever you go to Mass in the world, the Mass is always the same.
‘One’ also refers to the idea that all are equally able to share in salvation.
Describe the Diversity in the ‘Oneness’ of the Church
-‘One’ does not mean that everything should be exactly the same everywhere you go.
-In the Church’s oneness, there is diversity: there is room for many different types of people who work together to continue the mission of Jesus.
-The Catholic Church teaches that these various cultures and traditions enrich the church in the different expressions of the one faith.
Describe Catholic Beliefs About the Church as ‘Holy’
-Catholics believe Jesus is the source of all holiness. Jesus makes the Church holy, and the Church makes people holy through its teaching, prayer, worship and good works.
-Catholics believe that each member of the Church has been called to holiness.
-This means that through baptism, a Catholic has been freed from original sin, filled with God’s grace, and become a member of the Church as the ‘Body of Christ’.
-The members of the Church are saved by Christ as God incarnate and are therefore set aside (made holy) and will receive eternal life after they die.
Describe Catholic Beliefs About a Church of ‘Sinners’
-‘Holy’ doesn’t mean that there are no sinners in the Church. Catholics recognise that they are weak human beings, and at times they sin and fall short of what God wants them to be.
-They are taught to ask for God’s forgiveness and try again. In a sense, the Church considers itself to be a Church of sinners, rather than of the self-righteous.
-For example, one of the prayers of the Mass asks: “Lord, look not on our sins, but on the faith of your Church.”
Describe Catholic Beliefs About the Church as ‘Catholic’
-‘Catholic’, means that the Church is ‘universal’ or ’whole’. It is the same in all times and places, worldwide and universal.
-Belief comes with the responsibility to spread the Good News.
-The Church is Catholic in that Christ is universally present in the Church, and because he has given the Church the task of evangelising.
-The Church has the task of reaching out to the whole world with the message of Jesus as it is open to all people.
-The Church is Catholic because Jesus gives the Church everything they need to be saved.
Describe Catholic Beliefs About the Church as ‘Apostolic’
-Catholics believe that Jesus Christ founded the Church and gave His authority to His apostles.
-He entrusted a special authority to St Peter, one of the first Apostles, by giving him “the keys to the kingdom,” to act as His representation on Earth.
-Peter became the first Pope, and all Popes are continuing that role with the work of the bishops. In this way, ‘Apostle’ refers to one as a messenger.
-Hence, the Church is apostolic means that the faith that Catholics have was preserved, taught and handed down by the apostles, through the pope and bishops, right up to the present day.
Explain how Catholics are Influenced by the Nature of the Church
One- Catholics will work towards unity amongst the different Christian traditions. They will also participate in interfaith dialogue to promote unity amongst all.
Catholic- This mark encourages Catholics to evangelise and take part in missionary work.
Holy- Catholics will take the sacraments to be more like Jesus and become closer to God.
Apostolic- Catholics will listen to the Magisterium’s teachings for guidance.
Describe the Importance of Mary to Catholics
-Catholics hold Mary in great honour. She is a model of the Church meaning that she is an example to all Catholics of how humans should respond to God.
-She was chosen to be the human mother of Jesus and is often described as the Mother of God so is really important in the work of salvation.
-Without Mary, there would be no Jesus, no incarnation and, therefore, no salvation.
-Mary is often called ‘Our Lady’ by Catholics. This is a special title given to no one else, showing how special she is.
-All Catholic churches will have a statue of Mary and there is a special devotion to her.
Describe the Catholic Devotion to Mary
-As Mary had such a special relationship with God, Catholics believe that she acts as a mediator between them and God.
-Catholics pray to Mary, but do not believe that she can answer prayers in the way God can. They believe that she will intercede and pray to God on their behalf.
-The whole month of May is dedicated to Mary and Catholics will often say the ‘Hail Mary’. Many Catholics will go on pilgrimages to places where Mary is believed to have appeared such as Lourdes.
-All Catholic churches will have a statue of Mary showing her importance.
-Catholics might light a special votive candle and place it on a special stand by the statue in church as a symbol of their prayer.
Describe Catholic Beliefs About Mary as an Example of Discipleship
-A disciple is one who follows the way of a teacher.
-From the very beginning Mary followed God even when she did not fully understand, in accepting that she was to be the mother of Jesus at the annunciation.
-“I am the handmaid of the Lord.”
-When Mary was told by the angel that she was to be the mother of the Christ, she also accepted willingly and joyfully; leaving “in excitement” to see Elizabeth.
-Catholics believe that Mary was the greatest example of discipleship. She spent her whole life dedicated to Jesus.
-This makes her a role model and a guide to the way Christians should serve God.
Describe Catholic Beliefs About Mary as an Example of Faith
-Mary had total faith in God and in her son. She did not question God when she was told that she would have a child, even though she was a virgin.
-To agree to become an unmarried pregnant woman in first century Palestine required bravery since the consequences of being pregnant and unmarried was potentially a death sentence.
-At the very end she did not desert her son but was one of the few of his followers to follow him right up to the foot of the cross.
-Mary is a prophet of the Kingdom. She prayed the Magnificat in which she anticipated some of the themes of the kingdom Jesus would preach.
-For example, helping the poor: “He filled the hungry with good things.”
Describe Catholic Beliefs About Mary as an Example of Charity
-Mary is also a model of charity. She gave her whole life to God and showed kindness and compassion. This is how Christian should be too.
-At the wedding feast at Cana, she asked Jesus to help, knowing that he would do what was needed. The celebration had run out of wine, but Mary know that Jesus had the power to help.
-As a result of Mary’s request Jesus performed his first miracle and turned water into wine. This is also an example of how Jesus listens to his mother and fulfils her request.
-This is one of the reasons why Catholics pray to Mary, because they believe she will pray to Jesus for them and he will listen.
Describe Catholic Beliefs About the Physical ‘Body of Christ’
-The Church is described as the body of Christ in both the New Testament and the Catechism.
-According to the Bible, when Jesus entered the world, He took on a physical body that was ‘prepared’ for Him in the incarnation- God became man.
-While on Earth in His physical body Jesus showed God’s love in the things He said and did. He taught people how God wanted them to live and he cared for the sick by curing them.
-Ultimately, He gave his life as a sacrifice so that all Christians could have a closer relationship with God.
-After He rose from the dead, He physically ascended into heaven- the Ascension.
Describe Catholic Beliefs About the Church as the ‘Body of Christ’
-The teaching that the Church is the body of Christ means that Catholics believe that the work of Christ on earth did not end with the Ascension.
-They believe that Jesus lives on through his followers, and in the Church. It is believed that Christ continues his work in the world and shows the love of God through members of the Church.
-In this way, the Church functions as ‘the body of Christ’. The Church continues the work that Jesus started off: making the world holy.
-All Christians continue the work of Jesus on Earth. Catholics are now the physical body of Jesus as he is no longer physically present in the world.