Funerals and Prayer Flashcards
Describe the Symbols on the Paschal Candle
-Much of the symbolism on the candle represents Jesus’ resurrection.
-For example, the cross present on the candle is a reminder of Jesus’ death on the cross and resurrection.
-It reminds Catholics of the belief that Good Friday was not the end and that there is always hope because of the resurrection.
-Moreover, the year on the candle represents the belief that the power of the Resurrection extends to every age and that Jesus is Lord of time.
-Furthermore, the five studs represent the five wounds of Jesus from His crucifixion. It is a reminder that Jesus took on sin and defeated it through His resurrection.
Explain how Catholics are Influenced by the Symbolism on the Paschal Candle.
-Catholics will be influenced to to use the Paschal candle at funerals.
-This is because funerals show hope in life after death so the presence of the paschal candle signifies the hope of the resurrection.
Evaluate Catholic Beliefs Shown in the Symbolism of the Paschal Candle
-Catholics provide an unconvincing argument because some of the symbols on the candle can be found on other objects.
-For example the cross is a common symbol across all of Christianity.
-Moreover, some of the symbols on the candle do not even represent the resurrection such as the alpha and Omega which are used to represent Jesus and His eternity.
Describe the Use of the Paschal Candle at Easter
-The use of the Paschal candle during Easter week symbolises the belief that Jesus’ resurrection was a triumph over death.
-At the beginning of the Easter Vigil the church is in darkness. Outside the church a fire is lit.
-The Paschal candle is lit from that fire and processed into the church. This symbolises the ‘light of Christ’ overcoming the ‘darkness of sin’.
-The procession is completed with an ancient hymn, called the Exultet, that proclaims Jesus’ triumph over sin because his resurrection defeats death.
Describe the Use of the Paschal Candle at Baptisms
-The Paschal candle is used in other baptisms throughout the year. To remind the people of the Resurrection, it is lit and placed near to the font.
-A smaller baptismal candle is lit from its flame and is given to the baptised person or their family to remind them that the ‘Light of Christ’ has defeated the darkness of sin.
-The liturgy encourages them to keep the light of faith ‘burning brightly’.
-A further link to Easter is contained in the instructions to priests that, where possible, baptisms should take place on Sundays.
-This is because Sunday is the weekly reminder of the celebration of the death and resurrection of Christ.
Evaluate the Use of the Paschal Candle at Easter and Baptisms
-Catholics provide a convincing argument because the candle itself represents the eternal presence of Christ.
-The lighting of the flame is to help people remember that Jesus is the Light of the World and that before he came, the world was in spiritual darkness
Describe the Symbols on the Sarcophagus in the Pio Cristiano Museum
-The sarcophagus in the Pio Cristiano Museum aims to reinforce Jesus’ death and resurrection were a triumph over sin and a sign of hope.
-For example, it shows the chi rho symbol is held within a wreath, the roman symbol for victory, signifying that Jesus’ resurrection was a victory over sin.
-Moreover, another panel shows Jesus receiving the crown of thorns. However, it is a crown of jewels, further showing the belief that Jesus, resurrection was a victory over sin.
-The cross also sits above two soldiers looking up in wonder. It expresses the hope that what happened to Jesus will also happen to those that believe in Him.
Explain how Catholics are Influenced by the Symbolism on the Sarcophagus in the Pio Cristiano Museum
-Catholics will be influenced to have symbolism at funerals.
-This is because detailed coffins and sarcophagi are no longer used.
-As a result different forms of symbolism may be used instead such as a cross placed on the coffin to show that they will share in Jesus’ victory over sin.
Describe Catholic Beliefs About Music in Church
-Catholics believe that through music, we can pray to God. Therefore, respectful music should be used as it best suits the mood of prayer.
-The document Musicum Sanctum states that music must “correspond to the spirit of the liturgical celebration.”
-Therefore, the music in a service should reflect the words being said. This is in order to make prayer more fervent and beautiful and bring those in attendance closer to God.
-Pope Benedict XVI even called music “the universal language of beauty,” showing that it can bring all generations together.
-Hence, traditional and respectful music should be used as unlike modern music, it was designed specifically for worship so best fits the mood.
Explain how Catholics are Influenced by the Use of Music in Church
-Catholics will be influenced to use more Latin music in mass as it is traditional.
-For example, they may sing the Gloria or Sanctus in Latin.
Evaluate Catholic Beliefs About Music in Church
-Catholics provide a convincing argument because Latin is the language of the Catholic Church.
-Therefore, using traditional music in church, which may include Latin, can bring Catholics together as a community.
-It can also better show the beauty and majesty of the liturgy.
Describe Protestant Beliefs About Music in Church
-Protestants believe that people should have freedom over the music that they choose so may prefer to use more modern and lively music in church.
-They may refer to Martin Luther’s normative principles of worship which state “What the Scripture forbids not, it allows; and what it allows is not unlawful; and what is not unlawful may lawfully be done.”
-This shows that things not formally banned in the Bible can be allowed. This gives Protestants greater artistic and choices in organising services and creating hymns as lively music is not forbidden by the Bible.
-Hence, any music can be used in mass, including music which is lively and modern.
Explain how Protestants are Influenced by the Use of Music in Church
-Protestants will be influenced to write their own music for church services.
-They could also form or hire bands to play in Church, especially as this is not forbidden in scripture.
Evaluate Protestant Beliefs About Music in Church
-Protestants provide a convincing argument because modern music will be more appealing to young so younger audiences will come to the faith.
-This is important as the numbers of people attending Church in the UK is falling.
-However, modern music may then put off an older generation. This is unlike traditional music which is known by many so can be sung by anyone.
Describe Other Christian Beliefs About Music in Church
-Other Christians believe music is a form of prayer. St Augustine said that “When you sing, you pray twice.”
-This shows that singing adds to their and worship and praise of God.
-Therefore, traditional music should be used as lively music would be inappropriate for prayer as it is a time to reflect and develop our personal relationship with God.
-Hence, Other Christians will use respectful and traditional music in church so that they do not disrespect God through their prayers.
Explain how Other Christian are Influenced by the Use of Music in Church
-This will influence Other Christians to focus on using psalms for their music as they are from scripture.
-This means they have been inspired by God so are most suitable for worshipping Him.
-They also became the model for other Christian hymns so Other Christians may use them to help them write their own respectful music.
Evaluate Other Christian Beliefs About Music in Church
-Other Christians an unconvincing argument because music is used to praise God.
-In turn, it should be lively rather than traditional so that this joyful purpose can be reflected
Describe Catholic Beliefs About Life After Death Shown in Faure’s Requiem
-Requiem comes from the Latin word for rest. Hence, Faure’s requiem is gentle and hopeful showing that Catholics are more inspired by a hope in Gods mercy than a fear of death.
-Faure himself said “I see death as a happy deliverance… rather than as a painful experience”.
-This shows the Catholic belief that after death those that go to heaven enter a state of eternal peace and rest.
-Faure’s Requiem also includes soft melodies which bring a sense of calm and peace further symbolising the Catholic belief that Heaven will be a state of peace.
-Catholics will therefore use instruments such as, violins and harps at funerals to further show the gentleness and tranquillity of death.
Describe the Significance of ‘In Paradisum’ in Faure’s Requiem
-Part of the Requiem is called ‘in Paradisum’. This reflects Jesus’ teaching of “today you will be with me in paradise”. It also shows that Eternal life will be peaceful and with God.
-Furthermore, it offers hope to Catholics that death is not the end and that there can be life in heaven. It may also speak to Catholics about heaven and about our mission here on earth.
-Therefore Catholics may try to do more voluntary work and go to church in order to better themselves so that they can go to heaven after death. They may also be calmer knowing that they will have a peaceful time in the afterlife.