saludos y presentaciones Flashcards
buenos días
good morning
buenas tardes
goood afternoon
buenas noches
good evening
¿como estás?
how are you? (informal)
¿como està?
how are you? (formal)
¿qué tal?
what’s up? (literally: what such?)
¿qué tal todo?
how’s everything? (literally: what such everything?)
¿comó va todo?
how’s everything going? (literally: how it goes everything)
¿como te va?
how’s it going? (literally: how it goes for you? [informal])
¿comó le va?
how’s it going?; how are you doing? (literally: how it goes for you? [formal])
¿qué pasó?
what’s up? (literally: what passed/happened?)
¿qué hubo
what’s up? (literally: what was)
to know (someone); to meet someone for the first time
Nice to meet you; literally: enchanted
Gusto en conocerlo(la).
Pleased to meet you; Nice to meet you (formal)
to invite
to bring; to carry; to wear
Quiero presentarle a…
I’d like you to meet…;I want to introduce you to… (formal)
Quiero presentarte a…
I’d like you to meet…; I want to introduce you to…(informal)
recordar (o→ue)
to remember
pleased to meet you also; likewise
Un placer
pleased to meet you; a pleasure
¿qué hay?
what’s up (literally: what [there] is?)
Encantado(a) de conocerte
pleased to meet you (familiar)
Encantado(a) de conocerlo(a)
pleased to meet you (formal)