greetings and introductions Flashcards
good evening
buenas noches
good afternoon
buenas tardes
good morning
buenos días
what’s up? (literally: what happened/passed?)
¿qué paso?
what’s up? (literally: what was?)
¿qué hubo?
to know (someone); to meet someone for the first time
Nice to meet you (“enchanted”)
Nice to meet you; pleasing to meet you
Gusto en conocerlo(la)
to invite
to bring
how are you? (informal)
¿cómo estás?
how are you (formal)
¿cómo está?
what’s up? (literally: what such?)
¿qué tal?
how’s everything? (literally: what such everything?)
¿que tal todo?
how’s everthing? (literally: how it goes everything?)
¿cómo va todo?
how’s it going? (literally: how it goes for you [informal])?
¿cómo te va?
how’s it going? (literally: how it goes for you [formal])?
¿cómo le va?
I want to introduce you to… (formal)
Quiero presentarle a…
I want to introduce you to…(informal)
Quiero presentarte a…
to remember
recordar (o→ue)
nice to meet you also; likewise
pleasure to meet you; a pleasure
un placer
what’s up (literally: what [there] is?)
¿que hay?
pleased (“enchanted”) to meet you (familiar)
encantado(a) de conocerte
pleased (“enchanted”) to meet you (formal)
encantado(a) de conocerlo(a)